Court Records for William Milam (ca 1738 – 1791)
A Chronology of his Life as Found in Court Records
This is a Chronology of the life of William Milam Sr. as found in the court records of Bedford County, Virginia. William is presumed to be the eldest son of Thomas Milam (1716 – 1775). This Chronology is based upon the first 39 years of Bedford County Order Books – from 1754 through 1793.
26 MAY 1760 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 1-B, Page 131. “Charles McLaughlin, Robert Fitzhugh and William Milum are appointed to appraise the estate of John Vance, deceased.
{ This court entry shows that William was already established in Bedford and sufficiently knowledgeable of local values for the court to assign him this task three months before Thomas Milam sold his 203 acres in Culpeper County on 17 AUG 1760 – and seven months before Thomas signed an indenture with Richard Calloway for 400 acres of land along Hurricane Creek in Bedford County on 27 JAN 1761. It also indicates that William was a freeman – not an indentured servant – and at least 21 years old. Therefore he was born by 1739 or even earlier rather than 1746, as traditionally believed. And since this was before William had bought land, it suggests that he might have been an overseer for either McLaughlin or Fitshugh. }
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~William Bumpass versus William Milam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
11 AUG 1762 A Bond by William Milam to William Bumpass for £ 19, 4 shillings and 6 pence.“Know all men by these presents that I, William Milam, am held and firmly bound to William Bumpass in the sum of nineteen pounds, four shillings and six pence Currant Money of Virginia and for which payment well and truly to be made to the said William Bumpass, his heirs, Executors, administrators or assignees…..binde myself, my Heirs, Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with my seal and Dated this Eleventh Day of August 1762”. The condition of the above Obligation is such that if the above bound in William Milam…..cause to be paid unto the above said William Bumpass…..the full and just sum of Nine Pounds Thirteen Shillings on Demand From this Obligation can be void. Else to Remain in full force and Virtue.” Signed: William Millam Witness: Ann Rusher {a man!} On the opposite side is written: “Millam Bond For £ 9. 12. 3”
{William was definitely at least 21 years old in August 1762 since he had an account with Bumpass & Co and was a defendant in court. The common penalty for not paying a debt on time was for the amount to double which is what this bond provided.}
23 NOV 1762 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 2, Page 85. “Bumpass vs William Milam. Attachment.
23 FEB 1763 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 9. “Bumpass vs William Milam. New attachment. {Bedford County Court Records, Judgments, Box B15, 1763 notes that Assistant Sheriff, Jonathan Prather, attached Milam’s knife!}
23 MAR 1763 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 16. “Bumpass vs William Milam. Judgment according to Specialty & Ordered Sale {of the previously attached knife}.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Case~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
26 MAR 1765 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 184. “John Wood, John Richey & Wm Milam appointed to View a way from Thomas’ Ferry {on the James River} the nearest and best way into Callaway’s road opposite to Wm Boyd & Make report.
23 JUL 1765 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 219. “Boyd vs Milam. Judgment for £1. 13. 10 ½ & Costs. {The case record was not found in the Bedford County Court Records, Judgments, for this year so it is not possible to know which Milam it was.}
24 JUN 1766 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 254. “Callaway vs Milam. Judgment for £2. 17. 0 & Costs. {The case record was not found in the Bedford County Court Records, Judgments, for this year so it is not possible to know which Milam it was.}
28 JUL 1767 BEDFORD COUNTY COURT ORDER BOOK 3, Page 370. “David Wright, John Dawson & Wm Milam appointed to View a way petitioned for from Davis’s Ferry {on the James River} into the road by Grundy’s & Make a report.
24 NOV 1767 BEDFORD COUNTY COURT ORDER BOOK 3, Page 395. “Report of a road Thomas’ Ferry into the road by Grundy’s & road established according to report. Edmond Howard surveyor from the ferry to Tuckahow Creek & Wm Milam Surveyor to Otter River & Wm Boyd from thence into the Road. all Convene to clear the same.
27 SEP 1768 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 471. “Charles Gwatkins, Edward Shair & Wm Milam appointed to view a way from the New Road between Squarrel Mountain & Nobusiness Mountain into the same Road at the Head of Sycamore Creek & make report.
24 APR 1770 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 635. “A Report of a Road from the ferry Road into Hollys Road established according to report & William Milam Surveyor & All Hands convene to Clear the same.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~John Wood versus William Milam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
8 MAR 1770 “William Milam signed a demand note to John Wood for three pounds, 3 shilling and 7 pence. “on demand I promised to pay or cause to be paid to John Wood the full sum of three pounds, 3 shilling and 7 pence it been for value received of him as witness my hand this 8th day of March 1770. Signed: William Millam, Witness Ann (his mark) Youell”
Then in May Wood petitioned the Bedford County Court for payment of the note.
22 MAY 1770 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 647. “John Wood vs William Milam. Judgment according to Specialty and Costs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Case~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
26 NOV 1771 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 803. “Richard Callaway, James Taylor and Chesley Woodward is appointed to view a way from Milam’s Road the East side of Charles Gwatkins into Thomas’ Ferry Road and make a report.
26 NOV 1771 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 803. “A report of a Road from Milam’s Road the East side of Charles Gwatkins into Thomas Ferry Road and James Taylor is appointed surveyor thereof and all hands that worked on the two old roads clear the same.
***24 DEC 1771 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, Page 816. Crews vs William Milam. Continued.
25 MAY 1772 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 4, Page 30. “Report of the viewers of the Road from the fork of the Road above Francis Holleys to Pateats {Petites} Gap returned and established, and that the new Road therein mentioned be also established, and the former Road kept open – & the Hands of Richard Calloway, Charles Gwatkins, Chesley Woodward, Nathaniel Nance, John Milam, William Wilson, Garrett Jackson, James Wilson, William Milam, Martin King, William Fowler, John Hardwick, John Hampton, James Taylor & Joseph Jackson are to attend the service of the said new Road & assist in clearing and keeping the same in good repair.
{ Comment: All the individuals named in this road order lived near William Milam and John Milam along the route of the proposed road in the north western corner of Bedford County.
There are no deeds or land grants for John Milam so he must have been leasing his land. John Milam married Anne Jackson, sister of Elizabeth Jackson who married their brother, Benjamin. They were the daughters of Jarvis and Helena Jackson; and Anne was referred to in Jarvis’ Will as “Anne Milam, his first daughter”. Jackson’s Will also mentions his son, Joseph Jackson listed above. (Bedford Will Book 2, pages 364- 366, 28 JUN 1802) Garrett Jackson is not mentioned in his Will although a John Jackson is.
Richard Calloway sold Thomas Milam land along Hurricane Creek in 1761 which Rush Milam would inherit in 1775. Read details here (link) .
Rush Milam married Elizabeth Fowler, the daughter of William and Amanda Ann Fowler, on 16 JUL 1783. William Fowler is named above. Read details here (link).
Major Charles Gwatkin’s was Lieutenant John Milam’s commanding officer in the defense of Boonesborough, KY, in 1777. Read details here (link) .
Francis Holley and Chesley Woodward appraised John Milam’s estate after John’s death in 1780. (Bedford Will Book I, page 381 – 382, 26 NOV 1780)
As you shall read below, on 1 AUG 1772, William Milam would purchase 600 acres along Meadow Creek. In August 1773, William sold 300 acres on the “head branches of Meadow Creek” to James Taylor who is also named above.
It’s no real surprise that Thomas Milam’s sons would marry wives within walking distance of their home. }
25 MAY 1772 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 4, Page 31. “The hands of Charles Lambert, George Allen, Zachariah Milam, John Kelly, Charles Barnett, Samuel Hensley, Wm Lear, John Ross, John Dewit & William Willams with their male tithes {tithables} are ordered to work on the old road from the fork in the road above Francis Holley’s leading through Poteet’s {Petites} Gap and Keep the same in Repair, and that the said hands be exempted from working on the New Road, & that the Said Hands work on the Road from Thomas’ Ferry {on the James River} to the new Road.”
{Comment: All the individuals named in this road order lived near Zachariah Milam and John Kelly in the northwestern part of Bedford County, as did William Milam and John Milam mentioned in the immediately preceding court order above: John and William were to work on the new road through Poteat’s, { Poteet’s, Petite’s } Gap and Zachariah and John Kelly were to work on the old road through the same gap.
What is most interesting is that this John Kelly is the same John Kelly who married Ann Margaret Rush in Orange / Culpeper County i. e. Thomas Milam’s sister-in-law for whom Thomas Milam was a Security in then Orange County in August 1746 (ORANGE COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 4A, page 35). The proof is that in May 1768, John Kelly states that he had “a Lease of land I hold from under Nicholas Davis in Bedford County on the mouth of Battery Creek”! (CULPEPER COUNTY DEED BOOK E, pages 569 – 70). Battery Creek was just northwest of Meadow Creek where William Milam bought land. Zachariah Milam named his sons: John Kelly Milam and Benjamin K Milam after Zachariah’s uncle, John Kelly.} Read details here (link) .
1 AUG 1772 VIRGINA LAND PATENTS, BOOK 40, Page 801. “George the Third… Know ye that for divers good Causes & Considerations but more Especially for & in Consideration of the Sum of Three Pounds of good & Lawful Money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our Revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia. We have given granted & Confirmed & by these Presents for us our Heirs & Successors Do Give Grant & Confirm unto William Milum one Certain Tract or Parcel of Land containing six Hundred Acres lying & being in the County of Bedford on branches of Meadow Creek & bounded as followeth, to wit, beginning at Fry & Company’s Corner Red Oak thence… Pointers on Davis’s Line thence along his Lines….on the said Company’s Line at a branch thence along their Lines….to the first Station….To have hold &c. To be held &c. Yielding & paying &c. Provided &c. ….Witness our Trusty & well beloved John, Earl of Dunmore, our Lieutenant Governor General of our said Colony & Dominion at Williamsburg under the Seal of our said Colony, the first day of August one thousand seven hundred & seventy two in the twelfth year of our Reign. Dunmore ~
25 AUG 1772 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 4, Page 82. “??? Milam vs Vaughn. Attachment (not to issue) {Which Milam is it?}
25 AUG 1772 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 4, Page 88. Ordered that Martin King, William Milam and John Dewitt Senior do View the way from James River to Reed Creek at Milams Road and make Report.
28 SEP 1772 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5A, Page 8. ??? Milam vs Vaughn. Discontinued. Agreed. {Which Milam is it?}
23 NOV 1772 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5A, Page 23. “A Report of a Road from James River on the North Side of the mouth of Perrys Creek thence up the Said Creek by Samuel Henley’s thence to the head of Callaways Road thence on the South Side of his Plantation into Milams Rd at Reed Creek. Ordered that the Said Road be Established according to the Report and Richard Calloway, Gent. is appointed Surveyor thereof and the hands per the list filed are to attend the Said Surveyor in Clearing and Keeping the same in good Repair.
25 JAN 1773 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5A, Page 37. “??? Milam vs Lane. Attachment. Dismissed. {Apparently this is William Milam. See order immediately below.}
25 JAN 1773 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5A, Page 39. ” On the motion of William Milam, Administration of the Estate of Joseph Lane deceased is granted him, he giving Bond and Security according to Law and Alexander Paris, James Bucker, William Handy & Leonard Hall are appointed to Appraise the said Deceased’s Estate.
23 AUG 1773 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 5, page 126. “This Indenture made the twenty-third day of August in the Year of Our Lord Once thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-three Between William Milam of the County of Bedford…and James Taylor of the said County. Witnesseth that the said William for and in Consideration of Thirty three Pounds Currant Money of Virginia to him in hand paid, the said William Milam Hath Granted Bargained and sold….One Certain parcel or Tract of Land Containing three Hundred acres of Land Lying and being in the aforesaid County….on the Head Branches of Meadow Creek and Bounded as follows: Beginning at Fry and Company corner….to a Chestnut in the said Milam’s line….to Pointers on the said Company’s line….then to the first station. With all houses, edifices, orchards, gardens, water ways…..said William Milam doth Warrant and forever Defend the within Granted Land….In Witness where of he hath set his hand and fixed his seal the day and Year written above. Signed: William Milam
23 AUG 1773 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5A, Page 163. A Deed William Milam to Taylor Acknowledged and Ordered Recorded. Sarah the wife of the said Milam relinquished her Right of Dower etc.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~William Milam versus John Crews~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
28 JUL 1772 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 4, Page 66. John Crews vs William Milam. Defendant not appearing. Judgment for £ 5 & Costs.
8 FEB 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5A, Page 259. Milam vs Crews. A Capias
14 FEB 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, COURT RECORDS, JUDGMENTS, BOX 53, 1785. William Milam vs John Crews. A plea of Tresspass upon the Case & Damages of £ 30.
“Bedford County to wit: William Milam complains of John Crews…..of a plea that whereas on the twenty first day of December 1773 a conversation was had between this Plaintiff & Defendant concerning the Plaintiff selling to the defendant a servant girl, named Mary Newton, then the property of said Plaintiff & it was then & there agreed that the said Plaintiff should sell and deliver to the Defendant the said servant and her Indentures for the sum of Twenty pounds. To wit, the sum of six pounds to be paid by the said Defendant to the Plaintiff on the twenty second day of the said month…in the first year, & fourteen pounds to be paid by the said Defendant to the Plaintiff on the twenty fifth day of December, 1775…” Court Ordered the Defendant to Provide Security for the Debt. Continued.
28 MAR 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 12. William Milam vs John Crews. Court Order against Defendant & Security.
29 MAR 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5B, Page 55. Wm Milam vs John Crews. The Defendant being _____ ?? .
29 MAR 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5B, Page 56. Wm Milam vs John Crews. Continued.
***28 AUG 1781 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 325. A Deed John Crews to William Milam Produced and Ordered Recorded.
27 JUL 1778 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 171. William Milam vs John Crews Court Ordered Confirmed & _____ .
30 MAR 1785 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 123. William Milam vs John Crews. Plaintiff not for further proceeding. {See entries for 8 FEB 1774 and 28 MAR 1774}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Case~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 APR 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 39. Kelly vs Milam. Court Order vs {against} Defendant.
1 APR 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5B, Page 227. In case, Garret Kelly against William. The defendant being arrested and failing to appear on the motion of the Plaintiff by his Attorney, it is Considered by the Court that, unless the said Defendant shall appear here at the next Court, Judgment shall be given for the Plaintiff for his Damages & Costs.
1 APR 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5B, Page 227. The Same against the Same. In Tresspass, Assault & Battery. The Same {Verdict}.
24 MAY 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5B, Page 345. In debt, Charles McGlocklin vs William Milam. Same ??
24 MAY 1774 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 72. McGlocklin vs Milam. Attachment.
24 JUL 1775 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 5, Pages 320 – 321. This Indenture made the twenty fourth day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred & Seventy Five Between William Milam of the Parish of Russel and County of Bedford, Planter, of the one part and John Dewit of the County and Parish aforesaid Planter of the other past, Witnesseth that the said William Milam for and in consideration of the Sum of Twenty Pounds Current Money to him in hand paid…doth Bargain and Sell unto the said John Dewit and his heirs a parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Bedford and bounded as follows, To Wit, Beginning at a Sorrel wood tree in James Taylor’s Line….to a Chesnut in Milam’s Line….to Pointers on a Ridge in Milam’s Line….to a Hickory in Milam’s Line….to the First Station. Containing One hundred and Twenty three acres together with appurtenances…..
Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of: William Millam
At a Court held in Bedford County July 24th, 1775 this Indenture together with the Memorandum of Livery of Seisin and Receit thereon Indorsed were Acknowledged by William Milam party thereto and Ordered to be Recorded. Teste, James Steptoe, C. C.
24 JUL 1775 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 98. A Deed {William} Milam to {John} Dewitt. Acknowledged & Ordered Recorded.
25 SEP 1775 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 101. Ordered that the hands under William Milam & those under Francis Holley Assist John Hampton to Clear the way past Chesly Woodward through Peteet’s Gap to the Boutetourt {County} line –
On 1 MAY 1777, the Virginia General Assembly passed the Act of Oath of Affirmation which may be viewed here (link). The following is the Oath of Affirmation, sometimes referred to as the Oath of Alligence, that the men affirmed with their signatures:
“I do swear or affirm, that I renounce and refuse all allegiance to George the third, king of Great Britain, his heirs and successours, and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the commonwealth of Virginia, as free and independent state, and that I will not, at any time, do, or cause to be done, any matter or thing that will be prejudicial or injurious to the freedom and independence thereof, as declared by Congress; and also, that I will discover and make known to some one justice of the peace for the said state, all treasons or traiterous conspiracies which I now or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the United States of America.”
28 JUL 1777 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 130 – 131. Agreeable to an Act of the General Assembly of this State, this Court doth appoint Gents. to administer the Oath of Allegiance to the Inhabitants of this County (viz.) John Ward, Gent. in the Bounds of his own Company & Capt. Gilbert’s, John Talbot, Gent. in his own Company, Charles Talbot Gent. in Capt Marshals Company…..John Callaway Gent. Capt. Pointdexter’s Company, William Calloway Gent. in his own Company & Capt. Millers, Wm Mead & Charles Gwatkins Gents. in Capt. Gwatkins Company, Robert Ewing Gent. in Capt Dooleys & Capt. W Bufords Company, etc. etc.
20 SEP 1777: William Milam, Benjamin Milam, Zachariah Milam and Rush Milam signed the Oath of Affirmation administered by Justice William Callaway to his Company. [480] You may view a typed copy here (link).
26 APR 1778 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 6, Pages 31 – 32. Indenture…between William Milum of the County of Bedford… and John Stiff of the County of Augusta ….Witnesseth that the said William Milam for and in Consideration of the Sum of 60 pounds of Current Money of Virginia paid to James Taylor by the said John Stiff with the Consent & by the Direction of the said William Milam….one Certain Tract or parcel of Land…containing by estimation One Hundred and fifty acres….lying and being on Meadow Creek a branch of the James River….bounded by the lines and lands now held by John Dewitt and by the lines and Land now in the possession of Nicholas Davies {? Davis} which…is part of a Six hundred acre Tract first Granted to William Milum by Patent bearing the Date of the first of August 1772…free of all claims, rights, ______, rents or acreages of rents or any encumbrance of any sort to the said John Stiff….and the said William Milum…. doth further Covenant, agree and contract to and with the John Stiff….shall and will at any time when thereunto required by the said John Stiff make, do, fullfill and execute any acts, things and devices that shall at anytime be found wanting or needful for the more effectual and good Conveyance of the Land….Signed, sealed and delivered…William Millam Recorded: 27 APR 1778
27 APR 1778 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 147. Deed Milam to Stiff Acknowledged & Ordered Recorded.
27 JUL 1778 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 171. McGlocklin vs Milam continued at Plaintiiff’s costs.
29 SEP 1778 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 196. Kelly vs Milam Continued.
29 SEP 1778 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 196. Milam vs Crews Continued.
25 OCT 1778 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 199. McGlocklin vs Milam Continued.
27 JUL 1779 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 244. McGlocklin vs Milam Dismissed for Want of Proceeding.
22 NOV 1779 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 264. A Grand Jury, to Wit, William Read foreman, Charles Callaway, Nathaniel Tate, Walter Mosely, Robert Hardwick, John Forqueran, Thomas Nance, Simmons Everitt, Arron Updike, James Foster, William Milam, William Howard, Joesph Firth, William Sawry & Richard Dael went out of Court to Consult of their Presentments.
28 AUG 1780 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 293. William Milam is recommended {to his Excellency, the Governor, as Proper Person to act as} 2nd Leutenant.
23 AUG 1781 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 7, Pages 78 – 79. Indenture between John Crews and William Millam… in Consideration of the Sum of sixty pounds of Current Money to him in hand….one Certain Tract or parcel of Land containing One Hundred and fifth acres….on Reedy Creek a Branch of the James River…Beginning at a white oak in the Companies line on Reedy Creek….to a Large Poplar near the head of a branch of the said Reedy Creek ….
Signed: John + Crews.
In presence of: James Wilson, Rush Milam, Frances Holley (also on John Milam’s Inventory), William Ready. Recorded: 28 AUG 1781 {see below}
28 AUG 1781 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 325. A Deed McGlocklin to Milam Produced and Ordered Recorded.
24 SEP 1781 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 327. William Milam, Francis Holly, Julius Hatcher & John Wheat or any three of them are appointed to appraise the Estate of John Kennedy. { During the Revolutionary War, this John Kennedy died on 26th June after being wounded and captured in the MAR 1781 Battle of Guilford Courthouse as did Benjamin Milam. }
24 SEP 1781 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 329. William Milam is recommened {to his Excellency, the Governor} as Proper Person to act as 1st Lieutenant.
28 JAN 1782 BEDFORD COUNTY, WILL BOOK 1, Pages 410 – 411. John Kennedy, excerpt of Inventory and Appraisement, dated 24 January 1782. Negroes: Beck, Joe, Jane….. household furnishings, livestock, farm equipment… “18 Window Lights”. Appraisers: Julius Hatcher, William Millam, John Wheat.
25 MAR 1782 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 340. Isham Talbot, Thomas Lumpkins, Thomas Logwood & William Milam ordered to view a way….to Poteets Gap.
27 SEP1784 { actually signed on 24 JUN 1782 }BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 7, Pages 409 – 410. This Indenture made the the Twenty fourth Day of June One thousand seven Hundred and eighty two {date’s correct} Between Martin King and William Milam both of Bedford County of the one part and Basil Wheat of the said County of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Martin King and William Milam for and in Consideration of the sum of Sity five Pounds to them in Hand paid by the said Wheat have bargained and sold unto the said Wheat a certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying and being in the said County containing One Hundred and fifty two Acres more or less on the South Branch of Read { Reed } Creek and bounded as followeth To Wit, Beginning at a large Poplar at the head of the South Branch of Reed Creek….to a White Oak on the North fork of Persimmon branch….Witness whereof the said Martin King and William Milam have to these Presents set their Hands and Affixed their Seals the DAy and Year above written.
Signed: Martin King, William Millam
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of: Thomas Roberts, David Wade, John Wheat
Teste: James Steptoe C. C.
{Although acknowledged by Oaths of Thomas Roberts and John Wheat on 24 JUNE 1782, the Indenture was “further proved by the Oath of David Wade another Witness thereto Subscribed and Ordered to be Recorded” on 27 SEP 1784.}
24 JUN 1782 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 6, Page 360. Deed Milam & King to Wheat acknowledged by Milam & proved by two wittnesses with respect to King.
24 MAR 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 27. William Milam proved that he furnished {Capt} Christopher Irvine Commissary: three hundred & twenty five pounds of Beef, three Diets & two pecks of corn.
26 MAR 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 32. Baughan vs Milam etc. Judgment by default according to Scire facias & Costs.
26 MAR 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 32. Chandler vs Milam. Alias Capias
26 MAY 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 44. Chandler vs Milam. P. Capias
A July 1783 road petition was signed by William Millam, Zachariah Millam, James Kelly and Benjamin Kelly, the sons of John Kelley. It deals with the best way to Poteat’s Gap.
“To the Worshipful Court of Bedford County
The petition of sundry of the Inhabitants of Bedford County Humbly Beseacheth That your Petitioners Labour under Great Inconveniences for the want of a Road from Holley’s Gap to Poteat’s Gap along a Road opened by Francis Holley which is Far the Nearest and Best Way. The way that Now is, is a Difficult Hilly way and by some Distance the Fartherest, And Likewise runs through the Plantation and Orchard of Peter Wilkerson and Is a Great Detriment to him. And ever hope your worships will consider These Inconveniences As we are convinced that a much Difficulter Way could not be Got Than For it to Run through the Orchard and Plantation of the said Peter Wilkerson. We shall cease to Trouble You any Futher, But rest Satisfyed that Your Homorable Court will Not neglect to promote every useful Purpose that shall come before You and your petitioners as In Duty Bound shall Pray. ” [497]
Below are images of their names from a copy of the petition prepared by the Clerk of Court:
Do you notice that these names seems to be written by the same hand? Indeed, the Clerk of Court made a copy of the poorly ledgible original. You may view the copy here (image).
Below are images of the signatures of the Milams and Kellys from the original petition. Note that William and Zachariah spelled their last name “Millam” and that Benjamin and James spelled their last name “Kelley“, unlike the learned Clerk who spelled them Milam and Kelly.
Perhaps now we understand why Zachariah Milam used Kelly for the middle name of his sons. The original petition may be viewed by clicking here (image).
26 AUG 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 68. Chandler vs Milam. Dismissed. Plaintiff nor for proceeding.
27 AUG 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 82. McElvaine vs Milam. Alias Capias
28 AUG 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 87. J Kelly vs Milam. Continued
22 SEP 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 93. McElvaine vs Milam. Dimissed. Plaintiff nor for proceeding.
4 FEB1784 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 7, Page 338. This Indenture made the fourth day of February in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty four by and between William Millam of the County of Bedford and state of Virginia of the one part and Basil Wheat of the County and State aforesaid of the other Part. Witnesseth, that the said William Miliam for and in Consideration of the sum of Thirty Pounds to him in hand paid Receipt whereof he Doth acknowledge hath Granted, Bargained and sold unto the said Basil Wheat one certain Tract or Parcel of Land Containing Twenty acres more or less Lying and being in the County aforesaid and on a South branch of Read { Reed } Creek a water of the James River and Bounded as followeth….In witness whereof the said William Millam hath set his hand and fixed his Seal the Day and Year above written. Signed: William Millam
Witness: Thomas Summers, Joseph Wheat, Betsy + Wheat
Teste: James Steptoe C. C.
21 MAY 1784 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 24. A Deed Milam to Wheat Acknowledged & Ordered Recorded.
21 MAY 1784 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 25. Baughan vs Milam and Security. Judgment on Rep__ . Bond according to Specialty & Costs. – Notice proved
~~~~~Chancery Court: Hook assignee versus Zachariah and William Milam~~~~~
Chancery Causes (link) are cases that are decided on the basis of equity and fairness as opposed to the formulated rules of English Common Law. Some of the more common types of chancery causes involve divisions of the estate of a person who died intestate; divorces; settlements of dissolved business partnerships; and resolutions of land disputes.
26 JUL 1773 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 5A, Page 148. W Donald & Co vs Zachariah Milam. Judgment according to Specialty (link) . Attached effects. Continued.
Bedford County Court: William Donald & Co versus Zachariah Milam 20 DEC 1773:
Zachariah Milam owed a balance of £ 28 and 19 Shillings and 5 pence to William Donald & Co. who owned a general store. Donald demanded payment and the court required Zachariah to sign a bond with a Security (link) who further guaranteed payment.
“Know all men by these presence that we Zachariah Millam and William Millam are held and firmly bound unto William Donald Junr & Co in the Just & full sum of Twenty Eight pounds Nineteen Shillings and five pence to which payment we do bind our selves and each of our heirs jointly and severally. Wittness our hand and Seals this 20 day of December 1773.
“The Condition of the above is such that whereas the Sheriff of Bedford has this day attachment on the goods and Chattles of Zachariah Millam for to satisfy Donald Junr & Co the sum of Fourteen Pounds and Nine Shilling and Eight Pence 1/2 now. in case the above party or either of them do well and truly pay the said sum in three months from this date with interest according to an Act of the Assembly maid and recorded for ____ then the above be Void Else to be in force.
Test: Wright “
William Millam signed as Zachariah’ Security (link) for this debt as you may read below. You may view a large image and transcription of this bond here (link).
27 AUG 1783 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 7, Page 81. Hook assignee {W Donald & Co} vs Milams {Zachariah and William}. Allowed for Answer {William had joined the suit as Zachariah’s Security on 20 DEC 1773.}
28 JUL 1784 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 61. In CHANCERY, John Hook, Assignee of William Donald Jr. & Co., vs Milams {Zachariah and William}. The Defendants having Stood out all processes of Contempt, It is decreed & Ordered that the defendants pay to Plaintiff £14, 19 Pence, 8 1/2 Pence with interest from the 20th day of December 1773 – all paid & Costs.
Note: Due to the fact that most law suits, including those for debt, were forbidden during the Revolutionary War – largely because most suits for debt were brought by British or Scottish merchants, the Milams had successfully stalled a verdict for eleven years i. e. “the Defendants having stood out all processes of Contempt”. But the Court ordered 11 years of back interest.
This was not the last time William and a brother brought a suit to the Chancery Court – see 4 MAY 1785 – William Milam vignettes, Trustees of Liberty versus Rush and William Milam here (link) .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Case~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
31 MAR 1786 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 249. Stiff vs Milam Continued.
30 AUG 1786 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 296. Buford vs Milam Judgment for £ 3 & Cost. Defidant not appealing. {Is this William Milam?}
25 SEP 1786 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 299. Ordered that William Milam be appointed Surveyor of Road in the Room of John Wheat from Capt. Thomas Logwood to the road leaving over Poteets Gap with the usual Hands.
28 NOV 1786 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 6. {Joseph Cogswell}, Milam Assignee, versus Mead. Dismissed at defendant’s cost.
29 MAR 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 43. Stiff vs Milam. John Harman Special Bond {for Milam}. N G & Issue. Dismissed with costs. Plaintiff: not further Proceeding.
{Comment: William Milam sold 150 acres of land on Meadow Creek to a John Stiff of Augusta County on 26 APR 1778 – see above}
29 MAR 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 43. Milam vs Stiff. Rush Milam allowed 8 days for attendance.
29 MAR 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 43. Milam vs Stiff. William Milam allowed 8 days for attendance.
29 MAR 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 43. Milam vs Stiff. William Chandler allowed 8 days for attendance & Travels of 37 miles twice.
28 MAY 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 52. Leftwich, Calloway & Lumkin vs Wheat. Wm Milam Special Bond {for Wheat} & Judgment confirmed according to Specialty & Costs.
28 MAY 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 54. John Harman versus William Milam and David Douglass. Confirmed bond for Milam. Ditto him up & Joseph Wheat Special Bond {for Milam}.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Joseph Cogswell versus William Milam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
On 10 MAR 1785 William Milam signed the following bond to Col. William Mead: “This shall oblige me, my heirs to pay Coll. Wm Mead, his heirs, Assigns the just sum of one thousand pounds of Nett Inspected Tobo {Tobacco} and Cask on or before the first day of next December for the true payment of which I bind myself & Heirs in the Penal Sum of Two Thousand pounds of like Tobacco as Witness my Hand & Seal, the tenth day of March 1785 ~ William Milam”
On 28 MAY 1787, a writ was issue to the Bedford County Sheriff “that you take William Milam ….and him safely keep so that you have his Body before our Justices of our said County Court….on the fourth Monday in August next to answer Joseph Cogswell, assignee of Wm Mead, of a Plea of Debt for Two Thousand pounds of nett Inspected Tobo { Tobacco } & Damages of Two pounds.” 28th Day of May ’87 Signed: James Steptoe, Clerk of our said Court”
23 JUL 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 75. Cogswell, {assignee of William Mead}, vs William Milam. Judgment confirmed according to Specialty & Costs to be equally divided. Stay exam til October next.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Case~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
31 MAY 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 66. Buford vs Milam. Judgment according to Specialty & Costs . Notice followed. {Which Milam is it?}
24 SEP 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 101. Also that William Milam do keep the new road by Thomas Logwood’s Mill in repair instead of the old road through the Plantation which is suppressed.
28 NOV 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 114. Milam vs Mitchell. Ben Rice Special Bond. {Which Milam is this?}
25 FEB 1788 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 136. Milam vs Mitchell. Dismissed at Plaintiff’s Costs. {Which Milam is this?}
~~~~~~~~~~~~John Harman vs William Milam & David Douglas~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7 NOV 1783 A Bond by William Milam & David Douglas to Pay John Harman £ 8. 1. 0. “We promise to pay unto John Harman the just sum of Eight Pounds & one shillings Current Money of Virginia on or before the twenty fourth day of December 1784 for the value received of him. We bind our selves, our heirs, assignees, Administrators in the penal Sum of Sixteen pounds & two Shillings like Money to be punctily paid _____ or to bear interest from this day. Witness our hands and seals this 7th Day of November 1783. Signed: Wm Milam, David Douglas. Test: James Willson, Clerk of Court
25 APR 1787 John Harman vs William Milam & David Douglas. A writ: Sherrif to tke William Milam & David Douglas…so that you have their bodies before our Justices of our said County Court….on the 4th Monday next month to answer John Harman of a Plea of Debt for £ 16. 2. 0 & Damages of Two £. James Steptoe, Clerk of our Court.
28 MAY 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Pages 54. John Harman vs William Milam & David Douglas. Joseph Wheat posted a Special Bond for William Milam.
26 MAR 1788 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 145. John Harman vs William Milam. Same {Judgment Confirmed} by non Sum. Information according to Specialty & Costs
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Case~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~Chancery Court: Trustees of Liberty versus Rush & William Milam~~~~~~
Chancery Causes (link) are cases that are decided on the basis of equity and fairness as opposed to the formulated rules of English Common Law. Some of the more common types of chancery causes involve divisions of the estate of a person who died intestate; divorces; settlements of dissolved business partnerships; and resolutions of land disputes.
4 MAY 1785 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 7, page 511 – 512. This Indenture made the 24th day of May 1785 between William Leftwich, Robert Clark, James Buford and James Turner, Trustees of the Town of Liberty, in the County of Bedford on the one part & Rush Milam of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Trustees for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty seven pounds Current Money of Virginia do give, grant, Enfeaff and unto the said Rush Milam his heirs and Assigns forever two Lotts of half an acre of Land each in the Town called Liberty lately laid off in the said County of Bedford which said Lotts are marked in the Plan of the said Town Numbers II and III to have and to hold forever…..The said sale subject nevertheless to the following condition, that there be a framed house 20 x 16 {feet} with a brick or stone chimney or Pailing of said work one hundred feet square completed on each lot by 20th of April, 1787.
Signed, sealed and delivered: Wm Leftwich, Robt Clark, James Buford, Jas Turner Recorded: 24th day of May 1785
24 May 1785 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, 154. A Deed: Trustees of the Liberty Town to Rush Milam. Acknowledged & Ordered Recorded. ( 6 shillings tax paid )
28 AUG 1786 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 8, Page 281. Trustees vs Rush Milam. Confirmed Bond. Ditto William Milam. And Plaintiff prayed dismiss Costs. And Joseph Wilkinson & Mathew Worley Special Bond.
30 NOV 1786 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 10. Trustees of the Town of Liberty versus William Milam. Same as above. –> “Plea waved and Judgment Confirmed according to Specialty & Cost”.
7 March 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 8, 331. A Deed of Trust: “This Indenture made this seventh day of March in the Year One thousand seven hundred and eighty seven between William & Rush Mileham both of Bedford County of the one part & Trustees of the Town of Liberty of the other part. Wittnesseth, that for and in Considertaion of the Sum of Seventy pounds two shillings current Money of Virginia which the said William & Rush Mileham are justly indebted to the said Trustees and honestly desire to Secure and pay to them….the said William & Rush Mileham in hands paid…have granted, bargained, sold and confirmed……one hundred acres of land on Read Creek it being the whole of the track of land whereon the said William Milam now lives together with one hundred acres of land whereon the said Rush Milam now lives, likewise a bay horse…..a bay mare…..a grey horse…..a bay mare…..a bay horse….and another bay horse…..together with the whole of William Milam stock of cattle and three feather beds with all the appurtenances belonging or in any wise appertaining to the premises hereby granted…..
“…..that the said Trustees and successors shall ( after the first day of May next { year } or as soon as the said William & Rush Milam shall request….which ever of these two circumstances shall first happen ) sell for the best price that can be gotten after giving ten days public notice, the said lands and other premises and out of the Money arising from such sale, discharge, pay, satisfy the said Trustees, the above mentioned sum of 70 Pounds 2 Shillings with lawful interest from the present date until the same shall be fully discharged…..
“In Wittness whereof the said William & Rush Mileham have hereunto set their hands & affixed their seals the day and year above written:
William Millam
Rush Milam
Written, sealed and delivered in the presence of John Mead, John Otey, Robert Baker”
NOTE: This Deed of Trust was to secure the debt on Lots 2 and 3 in the Town of Liberty that Rush Milam bought on 24 MAY 1785 from the Trustees of the Town of Liberty for £ 57.
NOTE ALSO that William and Rush spelled their last name differently and they did so throughout their lives. The Clerk of Court spelled it most often as Mileham.
26 MAR 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 26. Trustees of the Town of Liberty versus Rush Milam (same vs William Milam). Dismissed at Defendants Costs.
24 SEP 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 8, Page 59. Deed of Trust: Rush & William Milam to Trustees of the Town of Liberty.
“This Indenture made the Seventh of March in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty seven between William & Rush Mileham both of the County of Bedford on the one part & the Trustees of the Town of Liberty of the other part. Witnesseth, that for and in Consideration of the Sum of Seventy pounds & two shillings Current Money of Virginia which the said William & Rush Mileham are Justly indebted to the said Trustees and honestly desire to Secure and pay to them & in the further consideration of five shillings of like Money to the said William & Rush Mileham in hand paid by the Trustees at and before the Sealing of this, the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained, sold and confirmed by these presents….to the said Trustees and their successors forever One hundred acres of land on Read Creek it being the whole of the tract where the said William Milam now lives together with 100 acres of land whereon the said Rush Milam now lives likewise a bay Horse about four feet nine inches high seven years old, a bay mare about 8 years old, about four feet six inches high, a grey Horse about four feet nine inches high, five years old & a bay mare four years old four feet seven inches high and a bay Horse about four feet five inches high five years old together with the whole of William Milams stock of cattle and three feather beds with all the Appurtenances belonging or in any wise appertaining to the premises hereby granted or intended to be granted…and all benefits and profits of said lands and premises….UPON Trust. nevertheless the said Trustees and successors shall ( after the first day of May next or as soon as the said William & Rush Mileham their heirs, assigns, Executors, Administrators think proper or whenever the said William & Rush Milam request whichever of these two circumstances shall first happen) sell for the best price that can be gotten after giving ten days Public Notice, the said lands and other premises. and Out of the money arising from the sale discharge, pay, satisfy the Trustees, the above mentioned sum of Seventy Pounds and two Shillings with Lawful Interest from the present date until the same shall be fully discharged and the expenses…..and the Trustees shall pay or cause to be paid the overplus if any remain from such sale to William & Rush Mileham, heirs, assigns, etc. In Witness thereof the said William & Rush Mileham have here unto set their Hands and Seals on the day and year first above written. Signed: William Millam, Rush Milam
Sealed and delivered in the presence of: John Mead, John Otey, Robert Blake
Recorded the 24th day of September 1787. James Steptoe, Clerk
24 SEP 1787 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 98. A Deed {of Trust} Milams to Trustees – Followed by two wittnesses. (Not Recorded)
26 MAR 1788 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 144. A Deed {of Trust} Milams to Trustees further proven by 1 Witness & Ordered Recorded.
27 MAR 1788 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 148. In Chancery, Trustees vs Milams. The defendants have Stood out all process of Comtempt. It is Ordered & Decreed that the Contempt Bill be taken for Confession and that the Mortgaged premises be sold by the Sherrif of this County after the 28th of June next for the best price that can be got for the same he giving Legal Notice & the overplus if any after paying the Debt aforesaid & all Costs Accrued in the prosecution of this Suit to be refunded to the Defendants & that the Defendants be forever barred of their right of Equity of Redemption of the mortgaged premises.
28 MAY 1788 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page171. In Chancery, Trustees vs Milams. On the motion of the Contempts by their attorney, the decree made in this suit at March Court last, the same is set aside & It is Ordered & Decreed that the Mortgaged Premisdes To Wit one hundred acres of land on Read Creek it being the whole of the track of land whereon the said William Milam now lives together with one hundred acres of land whereon the said Rush Milam now lives, likewise a bay horse…..a bay mare…..a grey horse…..a bay mare…..a bay horse….and another bay horse… sold by the Sheriff of this County after the 28th day of June next { year } for the best price that can be got for the same to satisfy the Complaintents seventy Pounds 2 Shillings with Legal interest from the seventh day of March 1787 giving Legal notice and the overplus (if any) after Paying the Defts aforesaid and all costs accrued in the Prosecution of this suit to be Refunded to the Defendants & that the Defendants shall be for ever barred of their Right of Equity of Redemption of Mortgaged Premises.
23 JUN 1789 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 287. On Motion of Wm Milam who was Security for Rush Milam at the Suit of the Trustees of Liberty, Judgment against said Rush for £ 44. 18. 00 & Costs. Notice followed.
Note: The Milam brothers had unsuccessfully fought what, in my experience, was a harsh verdict for four years i. e. “The Defendants having stood out all processes of Contempt”. In the end it appears the amount owed was reduced from £70 to £44 and they were able to keep their farms. But by 1789 Rush Milam had already removed to Botetourt (“Body-tot”) County.
This was not the first time William and a brother brought a suit to the Chancery Court – see 26 JUL 1773 – William Milam vignettes, Hook assignee versus Zachariah and William Milam here (link) .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Case~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
26 NOV 1788 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 207. Calloway & Lumpkin vs Milam Judgment according to Note & Costs. Defendant not appearing. (Is this William Milam?)
13 MAR 1789 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, LAND GRANTS, BOOK 19, pages 362-364. Beverley Randolph Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all To Whom these Presents Shall come greeting Know ye that in Consideration of the Ancient Composition of one Pound fifteen Shillings Sterling Paid by William Milam into the Treasury of this Commonwealth, There is Granted by the Said Commonwealth unto the Said William Milam assignee of William Mead a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land Containing Three hundred and fifty acres by Survey bearing date the Eleventh day of November one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty nine (11 Nov 1729) lying and being in the County of Bedford on Read { Reed } Creek and bounded as followeth: To wit, Beginning at a poplar in Kings line thence north Sixty five degrees West Eighteen poles to a poplar north twenty degrees East One hundred and Eight poles to a Chesnut East thirty Six poles to a Chesnut North Sixty degrees East twenty poles to a hickory north Seventy five degrees East Sixty poles to a Chesnut North Sixty five degrees East Seventy eight poles to a Chesnut north Twenty degrees East fifty eight poles to a Chesnut north forty degrees East Eighty four poles to a Gum on the head of a Branch [—?] South Sixty two degrees East forty poles to Milams Corner Chesnut oak along his lines South thirty five degrees East One hundred and fifty six poles to a dogwood in the Companies line on their line South forty degrees West Eighteen poles to a Locust South fifty eight degrees West One hundred and thirty poles to a Spanish Oak and Gum off and along Kings line north Eighty four degrees West thirty nine poles to a red oak South fifteen degrees West Sixty Six poles to a Chesnut South thirty Seven degrees West fifty poles to a Chesnut South nine degrees East Sixty poles to a Chesnut South twenty degrees West Seventy eight poles to a white oak and on his line to the Beginning with its appurtenances To have and To hold the said Tract or Parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the Said William Milam and his heirs forever. In witness whereof the Said Beverley Randolph Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his hand and Caused the lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be Affixed at Richmond on the thirtieth day of March in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty nine and of the Commonwealth the thirteenth ~ Beverley Randolph
13 MAR 1789 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, LAND GRANTS, BOOK 20, Pages 302-303. Beverley Randolph Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, to all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye that in consideration of the Ancient Composition of one pound fifteen shillings Sterling paid by William Milam into the Treasury of this Commonwealth there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said William Milam a Certain tract or parcel of Land Containing three Hundred & forty Acres, by survey bearing date the ninth day of November one thousand seven hundred & seventy nine {1779} Lying and being in the County of Bedford on the North fork of Otter River and bounded as followeth: To wit ~ Beginning at Kings Corner Chesnut off New lines North sixty degrees West seventy two poles to a Chesnut, North twenty five degrees West seventy poles to a gum North one hundred and twenty eight poles to a Chesnut at the head of Possimmon branch North eighty degrees West twenty two poles to a Chesnut, South thirty degrees West twenty poles to a Chesnut South sixty two poles to a Hickory South thirty five degrees West one hundred and forty poles to a red oak, South seventy five degrees West fifty poles to a Chesnut South Seventy degrees West twenty eight poles to a maple on said North fork and down South thirty five degrees East one hundred & twenty eight poles to Irvin old line and on his lines North thirty degrees East eighty eight poles to a Locust North seventy three degrees East seventy eight Poles to a red oak South thirty degrees East eighty eight poles to a white oak, South Twelve degrees West forty two to a Chesnut off New lines, same course thirty eight poles to a red oak East sixty poles to a Chesnut North fifteen degrees East one hundred and ten poles to a gum North forty four degrees East seventy poles to Kings line thence on his line North fifty degrees West ninety poles to the beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land, with its appurtenances to the said William Milam and his heirs forever. In witness whereof the said Beverley Randolph, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and Caused the lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the Thirtieth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty nine, and of the Commonwealth the thirteenth (13 March1789) ~ Beverley Randolph
26 MAY 1789 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, Page 267. Otey vs Milam Continued. (Is this Wm Milam ?) { John Hopkins Otey was keeper of the court house and deputy sheriff }.
27 AUG 1789 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 9, 306. Otey vs Milam Continued.
25 MAY 1790 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 10, 18. Otey vs Milam Dismissed. Agreed. (Is this Wm Milam ?)
25 OCT 1790 BEDFORD COUNTY, DEED BOOK 8, Page 327 -328. This Indenture made this eighteenth day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety Between William Milam and Sarah his Wife of the County of Bedford of the one part and John Hill of the County aforesaid of the other part: Witnesseth, That the said William Milam and Sarah his wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of thirty Pounds to them in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said William Milam and Sarah his wife do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained and sold unto the said John Hill, his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the Waters of Meadow Creek containing One hundred and fifty Acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Gum tree in Charles Lamberts line….to a Hiccory in Milams back line thence….to Charles Lamberts corner Chestnut….To the Beginning. Together with all the appurtenances there unto belonging to the said John Hill, his heirs and assigns forever….In Witness whereof the said William Milam and Sarah his wife have here unto set their hands and affixed their Seals the day and Year written above.
Signed: William Millam, Sarah S (her mark) Millam
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: John Ross Dewit, Isaac Thomas, Francis Green Gilfin
Momorandum that ~ of the day and year written ~ mentioned Livery & Seizen of the within mentioned tract of land…..
At a Court held for Bedford County the 25th day of October 1790 This Indenture together with the Memorandum of Livery and Seizen thereon Indorced was proved by the Oath of….witnesses whose Names are thereunto subscribed and Ordered to be Recorded.
Teste, James Steptoe, C B C
25 OCT 1790 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 10, 43. A Deed William and Sarah Milam to John Hill. Proved and Ordered Recorded. (Tax Paid) “….150 Acres on Meadow Creek….Adjacent to Charles Lambert…”
25 OCT 1790 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 10, 44. A Deed William Milam to Zachariah Worley. Proved and Ordered Recorded. (Tax Paid) “….77 Acres on the North Fork of the Otter River….adjacent to Irvine…”
24 JAN 1791 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 10, 62. A Deed William Milam to James Fowler. “….100 Acres on the North Side of Reed Creek of James River….adjacent to Hill…”
25 APR 1791 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 10, 81. A Deed William Milam to Harmon King. “….60 Acres on Reedy Creek ( ? Reed Creek ) of James River…”
***25 JUL 1791 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 10, 94. Deed of Trust William Milam to Christopher Clark, Trustee. Proved and Ordered Recorded.
26 SEP 1791 BEDFORD COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 10, 110. Deed William Milam to Harmon King further Proved by 1 Witness & Ordered Recorded.
………The Records for William Milam are complete through 1793………..
NOTE TO READERS: All the words in bold type face are links to images, maps or word definitions in the Glossary.The Citations and Glossary are available under the Resources tab or here (link) .
This is a County Photo Album (link) showing when counties were added in Virginia over time.
Northumberland County formed in 1648. The name first appeared in records in 1644.
Lancaster County from Northumberland County in 1652
Westmoreland County from Northumberland County in 1653
Stafford County from Westmoreland County in 1664
Richmond County from Northumberland County in 1692
King George County from Richmond County in 1720
Spotsylvania County from Essex, King and Queen and King William Counties in 1721
Caroline County from Essex, King and Queen, and King William Counties in 1728
Prince William County from King George County 1731
Orange County from Spotsylvania County in 1734
Culpeper County from Orange County in 1749