Court Records for William Rush of Westmoreland County, Virginia

A Chronology of his Life as Found in Court Records

This Chronology follows the lives of five generations of William Rush in Virginia after the arrival of William Rush I around 1750. Since there are records from five counties in Virginia, it would be helpful for the reader to view this County Photo Album (link) to learn how and when Virginia counties were added before proceeding. The records are for WESTMORELAND COUNTY, except as noted otherwise. My clarifications are in { }

You may read a narative of their lives in my chapter on the Rush Family of Westmoreland County which also includes Benjamin Rush Sr. by clicking here (link).

{26 JAN 1651/52 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 22. Sir William Berkeley, Knight, Governor of the Colony of Virginia, to Captain Thomas Davis….600 acres in Northumberland County….Abutting NE on Upper Mucholix (Machodoc ) River, NW on Upper Mucholix (Machodoc) Towne, SE and NE upon the main woods. Due for transporting 12 person into this Colony: Capt. Thomas Davis, Susan Sheeres, Jacob Port, etc. Recorded 21 Aug 1654 ( Westmoreland County after 1653)}

{21 AUG 1654 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 22. “Capt. Thomas Davis his lre {lettre} of Attur. {Atturney} to Gervase Dodson.” Thomas Davis of Warwick Co. to “my loving friend” Gervase Dodson, to sell 100 acres out of a patent of 600 acres {see above}, lying on the SE side of the land and running a mile into the woods to Peter Pheepound’s {Fifepound}, …. Whoever buys the land to seat it before 1st December next. Dated 7 Jul 1654. Signed: Thomas Davis. Wit: John Smith, John Whitgroves, Wm. Whitby. Recorded 21 Aug 1654.}

{16 JUL 1654 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, LAND OFFICE PATENTS, 264. To Francis Grey. 1000 acres on the South side of the Potomeck River. “675 acres on the head of Rosyers Creek running Northeast to the Round Hill, abutting land of Thomas Bowyer & Mr. John Hiller; 250 acres Northeast upon said River & Southeast upon said Creek; and 75 acres Easterly upon Said 250 acres, Westerly upon said 675 acres & Southerly upon said Creek. For the transportation of twenty person (into Virginia) including…. a George Rush….” { This is a map (image) of early Westmoreland patents which shows Gray’s patents 0f 1654 (re-patented in 1662) and 1664 at the Round Hills; the Upper Church at Round Hills where he was a Vestryman; and the Mills of Monroe and Washington. On 20 November 1658, Gray gave 100 acres at the Round Hills to William Rush {II} who married Gray’s daughter, Anne. See 20 November 1658 below.}}

20 OCT 1654 WILLS AND DEEDS 1. Deed Book 1, pages 1 through 13 and 26 for this time period are missing! Captain Thomas Davis to William Rush {II}….100 acres by Deed of Gift….This Deed of Gift is documented in later Deeds: See 21 Oct 1663 and 12 Jan 1664/1665 below. Also see above: 26 Jan 1651/1652. }

19 JUN 1658 ORDER BOOK, page 104. William Rush {II} and Henry Causham {Causam, Cosham, Cossum} give for their mark of hoggs and cattle a slit downe the middle of the right eare, a crop on the left and two slits in the crupp….Recorded.

2 NOV 1658 ORDER BOOK, page 117. William Rush doth give for his mark of hoggs and cattle the left ear crop and 2 slits beside and the right ear crop….Recorded.

20 NOV 1658 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 118 – 119. Francis Gray of Appomattox Parish, Westmoreland County unto William Rush {II} for many and sundry considerations me thereunto moving as well as the tender affections I bear unto my daughter, Anne, have and do by these presents freely give, make over and bestow upon and unto William Rush, husband unto my said daughter, a tract of land containing 100 acres, being part of a tract owned by me….being at a place commonly called the Round Hills, nigh unto Machodick (Machodoc ) River….lines of Jno. Hillier, deceased. Signed: Francis Gray Witt: Daniell White, David Phillips, Will Horton. 20 Nov 1658 Ack’d. & Recorded. (This is a map (image) of early Westmoreland patents which shows Gray’s patents 0f 1654 (re-patented in 1662) and 1664 at the Round Hills, the Upper Church at Round Hills where he was a Vestryman, and the Mills of Monroe and Washington. Rozier Creek is identified where William Duff and his second wife, Mary Rush Duff, lived. The frequently mentioned Upper Machodoc River is shown near the top. And note at the bottom how the future boundry between Westmoreland and King George (1720) Counties runs through Gray’s lands.)

{3 JUL 1661 ORDER BOOK (1661 – 1662), page 46a. Appomattocks Parish Records. “Wee whose names are here underwritten were made Choice of as vestrymen by ye parish of Appomattocks & have taken ye oath of Alegiance & Supremacie & doe subscribe ye folloowing words as I doe Acknowledge myself a true sonn of ye Church of Engld. soe I doe believe ye Articles of faith there professed & oblige my self to be comformable to ye Doctrine & Discipline there taught & established dated this 3rd of Jul 1661. Signed: John Dodson, ffrancis Gray, John Washington, Andrew Monroe,” etc. (This Parish had two churches. The one on the Upper Machodoc was referred to as Round Hill Church and the one on the Lower Machodoc was referred to as Church Point Church. 25 MAY 1664 ORDER BOOK (1662 – 1664), page 31. The parish lines were redrawn and the names Appomattocks Parish and Nomini Parish were abolished because of the creation of Stafford County to the west. Washington Parish named for founding Vestryman, John Washington, superseeded Appomattocks Parish.) } [120, 151]

{29 JUL 1662 WILLS AND DEEDS, pages 19a – 20. Francis Gray of Northumberland County, Planter (link), to John Breeton of the Collony of Virginia, Merchant,….For 10,000 pounds of tobacco and three servants….250 acres on Attopin Creeke whereon I am now seated in the County of Northumberland….northeast upon Potomeck {Potomac} River, southeast upon Rosier Creek….part of land granted (link) me by pattent, 1000 acres, 16 Jul 1654….houses and fencing, gardens and orchard. Wit: William Northall, Thomas Dutton, Thomas Willsford. Ack’d: 20 Aug 1662}

21 OCT 1663 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK 1, 213. Thomas Davis and Ann Davis wife of Thomas, “constitute our well beloved friend, William Rush {II}, of Westmoreland County, our Attorney to give possession unto Captain John Ashford a parcel of land formerly granted unto us by pattent 26 Jan 1651/1652 and also acknowledge a conveyance 21 OCT 1663 unto Captain John Ashton. Acknowledged in Warwick County by Thomas Davis and Anne his wife.”

21 OCT 1663 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK 1, 213 – 215. Thomas Davis of Westmoreland County, Gent., to John Ashton of same, Gent. For 5000 pounds of tobacco received 1 May last…. 600 acres….as in patent (link) unto Thomas Davis of 26 Jan 1651/52 excepting 100 acres formerly given by Davis unto William Rush {II} by Deed of Gift 20 Oct 1654. Anne Davis doe acknowledge all her rights in the land unto John Ashton. Ack’d. 21 Oct 1663 in Warwick County by Thomas Davis and Ann his wife….Ack’d. 24 Feb 1663/64 by William Rush {II}, their Attorney.

24 FEB 1663/64 ORDER BOOK, page 18. William Rush {?II} on jury….

24 FEB 1663/63 ORDER BOOK, page 19. Due to William Rush {?I or II}….300 acres for importation of 6 men…..

24 FEB 1663/64 ORDER BOOK, pages 21 – 22. William Rush on 2 more juries this day….Here’s the interesting one: “The petition of Valentine Peyton, Gent., that Mr. David Anderson unlawfully drive away from Nominy and afterwards kild a bull of your petitioners, being of his marke, prayeth order David Anderson may give full satiafaction for the bull. We finde the bull to be Collo. Valentine Peyton’s: William Rush, John Lancelott….{and 10 other jurors}. The Court doth order that Anderson pay unto Collo. Peyton 500 pounds of tobacco the 20 October next.”

12 JAN 1664/65 WILLS AND DEEDS, pages 257 – 258. Robert Howson of Upper Machodick {Machodoc} in Westmoreland County, Gent….unto William Rush {II} of same, planter, For a valuable consideration…..100 acres on south side towards head of Upper Machodick {Machodoc} River, adjoining upon the land of William Rush…line of William Rush formerly the line of Mr. Thomas Davis…. Recorded 12 Jan 1664. Wit: William Browne, Daniel White, Thomas Dutton {The original patent of Robert Howson was dated 16 Sep 1657.}

14 JAN 1664/65 WILLS AND DEEDS, pages 255 – 257. Robert Howson of Upper Machodick {Machodoc} in Westmoreland County, Gent., unto William Rush {II} and Henry Cossum (Causham, Causam , Cosham) of same, planters. For a valuable consideration, 600 acres on the south side, toward the head of the Upper Machodick {Machodoc} River, part of a greater tract formerly Mr. Gervase Dodson’s {Surveyor}, deceased,….adjoining to the land of Henry Cossum….bounding upon….John Williams and land….of Henry Aldy….to the damn of the said Creeke….adjoining to the 100 acres lately sold by Robert Howson to William Rush {II} including all the land belonging to Robert Howson lying on the north east side of the said damn. Recorded 26 APR 1665

31 AUG 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 37a. “Ann Rush was subpenaed as a wittness for Mr. Daniel Hutt against Daniel Browne. Mr. Hutt shall pay Rush for one daies comeing to, two daies attendance on and one dayes returning from the Court…..”

“It doth appeare unto the Court by the testimonies of Ann Rush and Alice Grant that Daniel Browne hath slandered the late wife of Mr. Daniel Hutt…..The Court doth order that Browne shall be whipt and have thirty one stripes on his bare shoulders. When Browne is whipt he shall be sent to his master from constable to constable.”

7 SEP 1664 STAFFORD COUNTY ORDER BOOK, page 4. Whereas Henry Aldy does supenia William Rush {?} to this Court, the Court doth order that Aldy pay unto Mr. Rush 40 pounds Tobacco ye 10th 8ber {November}.

7 SEP 1664 STAFFORD COUNTY ORDER BOOK, page 6. William Rush {?I} on a Jury with Capt. George Mason, a Justice of the Peace (link) .

{16 NOV 1664 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, LAND OFFICE PATENTS, 275. “Francis Grey. 374 acres in Westmoreland County. Bounded Northeast with land of Capt. Jno. Ashton, Wm. Northall, Garrard Foard & his own land. Transportation of 8 persons.”}

25 Jul 1665 WILLS AND DEEDS Book 1 , pages 286 – 287. Francis Gray of Westmoreland County, carpenter, unto Nicholas Saxton of same, carpenter, 150 acres….Round Hills and is a Trapasia {trapezoid} and part of 1000 acres granted to Francis Gray by Patent 16 Jul 1654….northwest with 100 acres by Gray given unto William Rush {II} now in the tenure of William Brown. Wit: William Horton, Jane Mason, Thomas Dyas

{31 JUL 1667 WILLS AND DEEDS, pages 312 – 313. Will of Francis Gray dated 7 Jun 1667. Unto my loving wife, Alice Gray and my son, Francis Gray {Junior} all my moveable estate such as horses, cattle, hogs etc….Unto my son Francis Gray all my land. In case of the failing of issue of Francis Gray then to be equally divided between my daughter, Anne Rush, the wife of William Rush and Ann Lancelott, the daughter of John Lancelott. My loving wife, Alice Gray, Executrix.  Wit: John Ashton, Mary Gardner. 31 Jul 1667. Proved.}

30 APR 1670 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 68. “Agreement Henry Causam and William Rush {II}….regarding 600 acres they jointly own….By reason of the uncertainty of the bounds of some elder patents, we cannot make a division as wee would, and being willing that neither of us should take any advantage of the death of the other…”

23 MAY 1670 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK 1, pages 60a – 61. William Rush {II}….unto Robert Howson of Stafford County, Gent.,….100 acres on the south side, towards the head of the Upper Machotocke {Machodoc} River adjoyninge land of William Rush {II} and Henry Cosham (Cossum, Causam, Causham) containing 100 acres…..Witt: Henry (X) Gosham {Cossum}, Edward Thomson. 25 May 1670 Ack’d. by William Rush {II} and Robert Nurse attornie of Ann Rush before Lawrence Washington. Ann Rush wife of William Rush impower Robert Nurse my attornie to acknowledge 100 acres unto Mr. Robert Howson….. Ann (X) Rush. Witt: Henry (X) Gosham {Cossum}, Edward Thomson. Recorded.

5 MAR 1671/1672 DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 241a. Francis Lewis. Inventory. 5 March 1671/1672. Made by virtue of Order of 28 Feb 1671/1672. Total valuation 1395 pounds of tobacco; items taken aside for his children listed separatedly without value. Henry (X) Cossum, William (X) Rush {II}. 17 7ber (Sept) 1672. Appraisers sworn before Jno. Washington.

3 JAN 1673/74 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK 2, 175a – 176. William Rush {II} unto Jossua Hudson. For natural love and affection I bear unto my daughter Elizabeth….as also a marriadge contracted and solemnized betweene Jossua Hudson of Upper Machoteck and my said daughter….100 acres. Same 100 acres that Francis Gray, deceased, in consideration of natural affection he bore unto his daughter Anne did give unto William Rush, husband unto Anne….100 acres, part of a tract to him belonging at Round Hill….line of Jno. Hillier,deceased,…by poll deede on 20 Nov 1658…..William (X) Rush. Witt: Francis Gray {Junior}, John Ashton

27 FEB 1677 ORDER BOOK, page 106. Thomas Sharpe estate. Administration to Mary Sharpe, giveing security and providing inventory. On petition hir bedd and small furniture allowed. Appraisers: Henry Cossum, William Rush, John Price, Richard Chapman. Mr. Horne to administer the oath.

23 APR 1678 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK, page ? William Rush {II} of Washington Parish in Westmoreland County…. to one Philip Payton, his son–in–law, who intermarried with Mary, the daughter of the said William Rush {II}….plantation land lying on the Beaver Damms of Upper Machodix {Machodoc} River in Washington Parish….commonly called The Newland….200 acres….by Deed of Gift

30 OCT 1678 ORDER BOOK, page 134. Henry Cossum {Cosham, Causam, Causham} died….William Horton appointed adm. Berryman, Weedon & William Rush {II} to appraise perishable estate….

8 OCT 1679 ORDER BOOK, page 162. Certificates:….William Rush certificate for a horse 6 months {old}….Lawrence Washington horse 6 months {old}….etc.

25 FEB 1684/85 ORDER BOOK , page 385. Charles Ashton, John Prat et al complained that William Rush {? I} had blocked up the ancient way to the Mill Church and for roling tobacco (link) to the waterside. Court ordered that William Rush {? I} doe lay open the old way and remove all nusances….

25 AUG 1686 ORDER BOOK, page 516. William Rush {I} as marrying Dorothy, the relic and Executrix of Christopher Thomas, doth petition that, having paid order of this Court and Clerk’s and Sherriff’s Fees beyond assets, he humbly desires Quietus. So Ordered.

22 JUL 1689 NORTHERN NECK GRANT BOOK 3, 74. William Rush {III} of Westmoreland County son & heir of William Rush {II}, deceased, is in possession of 100 acres by Deed of Gift from his father 22 July 1689. Father purchased from Robert Howsen. Adjacent to Horse Road, Berryman’s Mill, Thomas Sharp’s widdow, Cossum, Howsen’s Dam, John Sharp. Re-patented and granted 10 January 1704. {This land was purchased from Robert Howson by William Rush II on 12 Jan 1664/65. For more details please see: 25 JUL 1733 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 223 – 224 }.

24 MAR 1691 ORDER BOOK , page 21. William Rush {II} indebted to John Harvy by bill date 10 May 1688….1250 pounds tobacco. Court Ordered.

27 JAN 1691/92 ORDER BOOK, page 46. On petition (link) of Dorothy Rush (relic of William Rush {I}, and earlier relic of Christopher Thomas)….ordered that William Horton and John Pratt do lay out and divide the land of William Rush {I} together with housing and orchard, etc…. now in possession {lease} of Charles Ashton into three equal parts and that, after division, the Sheriff do immediately put Dorothy Rush into possession of what 1/3 part she shall elect and make choice of….

26 NOV 1694 DEEDS AND WILLS, pages 37 – 38. Charles Ashton of Washington parish, Westmoreland County, Gent., to Joshua Hudson of same….for 1900 pounds of tobacco….20 acres on the branches of Upper Machotick (Machodoc River), being formerly the land of William Rush {II}, deceased {late 1691}, and by Rush made over to Ashton….westerly with the lands of the said Joshua Hudson formerly also the said Rushes land; northerly …Peter Skinner now in the tenure of John Pratt; easterly with the land of William Brune, formerly Henry Cossum’s, and the land of the orphans of Robert Dawson, Gent., deceased. Wit: Charles Calvert, William Horton, Watkin Lewis. Recorded 26 Jun 1695

24 FEB 1696/97 ORDER BOOK , page 230. The nuncupative (link) Will of William Menthorur was proved by depositions of John Giles and Elizabeth, and William {III} and Elizabeth Rush…..

30 MAR 1698 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK, No. 2 (1690 – 1699), pages 133 – 134a. Will of Lawrence Washington of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreland in Virginia, Gentleman, dated 11 March 1697/8.

“….To my son John Washington the seat of land where I now live and that whole tract lying from the mouth of the Machodack extending to a place called the Round Hill, with the addition I have thereunto made of William Webb and William Rush.”

14 FEB 1697/1698 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK, No. 2 (1690 – 1699), pages 150 – 152. Frances Howson, one of the daughters of Robert Howson, late of Stafford County, Gent., deceased, to Joshua Hudson of Westmoreland County. For 10,000 pounds of tobacco….100 acres at the head of the Upper Machodack (Machodoc), commonly called Rushes Old Plantation….a little above the landing and extending down the creek….conveyed unto Robert Hudson by Mr. Rush 23 MAY 1670. Robert Howson died seized of lands in Stafford and Westmoreland Counties and left no male heirs, whereby the lands are fallen unto his three daughters Mary, Ann and me, the said Frances Howson which we have by mutual agreement divided 13 Jan 1697/1698. 1 MAR 1697/1698 Acknowledged by Francis Howson before William Horton and Laurence Washington, Justices (link).

11 MAR 1697/1698 WESTMORELAND DEEDS AND WILLS, No. 2 (1690 – 1699), 133 – 134a. Will of Laurence Washington of Washington Parish in the County of Westmoreland in Virginia, Gentlemen, dated 11 MAR 1697/8…..To my son John Washington the seat of land where I now live and that whole tract lying from the mouth of Machodack extending to a place called the Round Hill, with the addition I have thereunto made of William Webb and William Rush…..My cozen John Washington of Stafford and my friend Mr. Samuel Thompson my executors and my loving wife Mildred Washington my executrix. Wit: Robt. Redman, George Weedon, Thomas Howes, John Rosier. 30 APR 1698 Proved.

31 MAY 1699 ORDER BOOK, page 37. {William Rush (III) and six others on a Grand Jury of 13 men}….they severally appeared and obstinately refused so to do in great contempt of his Majestie’s Laws and the Court then sitting…. Each fined 200 pounds tobacco for their default. {Six jurors remained on the Grand Jury and found}… “Sara Newstubbs be summoned to answer to a {Church Wardens’} presentment….for having a bastard child”. {Court Justices this day were: Wm Peirce, Wm Bridges, Henry Rosse , Wm Horton, Francis Wright, James Taylor. I suspect this is yet another example of a Quaker couple being harassed for not marrying in the Church of England which could be the reason William Rush and 6 other jurors refused to agree to her presentment. We know William III’s wife, Elizabeth, was a devout Quaker and presumably William III was also.}

***27 MAY 1702 ORDER BOOK, page 159. Upon petition of William Bennett and Dorothy, his wife, late widow of William Rush {I} praying 100 acres of land given by her husband during the coverture (link) betwixt them to his son, William Rush {II}, without the privity or consent of Dorothy, maybe divided into three equal parts and that they may bee possest of 1/3 thereof as her Dower (link) ….

24 FEB 1702/03 DEEDS AND WILLS Book 3, page 129 – 130. “Last Will and Testament of William Bennett….constitute my son Cossum Bennett my sole executor and to bee at age at the hour of my death and Daniel Feild to be trustee for the good of his son and to advise and instruct him in the managment of his estate that hee should not make away with it,…” it appearing the estate of the testator to bee very considerable and the executor nigh of age and Danll. Feild praying a probat of the will, it was ordered the Sheriff should summon Dorothy Bennett, relict of the testator to declare the majority of Cossum.  At this court it fully appeared under the hand and seal of Dorothy that shee has for valuable considerations relinquished all manner of claim or title to the estate.  Upon further motion of Danll. Feild, administration is granted to him dureing the infancy of Cossum Bennett, executor in the will named. Proved by Danll. Feild, John Lilly and Garrat Welch

31 MAR 1703 ORDER BOOK, page 188. Last Will and Testament of William Bennett….son, Cossum Bennett, his sole executor and to be at age at the hour of his death and Daniel Field to be trustee for the good of son….Dorothy relinquished all manner of Claim or title of his estate….Josua Hudson, William Rush {II} and John Lilly to appraise the estate….Recorded.

20 APR 1703 DEEDS AND WILLS Book 3, page 138 – 139. Inventory of William Bennett….Total valuation 49,946 pounds of Tobacco including three negroes at 17,500 pounds of tobacco….Bills and Accounts totaled 6880 pounds of tobacco. John Lilley, William Rush {II} and John Pratt Jr. appraisers….

10 JAN 1704 NORTHERN NECK PROPRIETARY. Margaritte, Lady Culpeper, heiress of Lord Culpeper and Catherine his wife, Proprietors of the Northern Neck of Virginia. To All whom this writing may pertain….And Whereas William Rush {II} of Westmoreland County, son and heir of William Rush {I}, deceased, petitioned that he is in possession of 100 acres…of land, derived to him by Deed of Gift baring date 22th Jul 1689 Recorded upon ye records of Westmoreland County ….And moving to be Preferred to ye Escheat of ye said 100 acres of Land, Know yee therefore that wee for and in consideration of ye Composition to us paid and ye Annual rents hereafter us served, have Given and Granted (link) ….unto ye said William Rush {II} all ye right and Title to ye said 100 acres of land to us belonging….William Rush {II} his Escheat Deed for 100 acres of Land in Westmoreland County. {The problem was that Gervas Dodson (former county surveyor) died without heir and the 5200 acres granted him on 16 Sep 1657 escheated (link) to the Proprietary inspite of the facts that Dodson had sold the 100 acres to Robert Howson who in turn sold it to William Rush on 12 Jan 1664/65. In this case, Rush had to pay a fee and “re-grant” the 100 acres directly from the Proprietary. See 25 Jul 1733 below for more.}

1 NOV 1705 ORDER BOOK, page 2. Judgment of William Rush {?} agt. the estate of Chapman Dark for 2100 pounds tobacco out of estate….

***{27 FEB 1705 / 1706 ORDER BOOK, page 6a. Samuel Duchemen came into Court and upon the holy Evangelical did swear that he had good right according to Law to claim lands for the importation of several persons here under mentioned into the Colony to witt Henry Stapleton, William Moan, William Duff, Margaret Colline, Pierce Cahor & Michael Spillor and is Ordered a Certificate according to Law….{Is this the William Duff who later married Elizabeth Rush, the widow??}

28 MAY 1707 ORDER BOOK, page 58. William Rush {?II} of the Parish of Washington being presented by the Grand Jury for not goeing to his parish church according to law is fined 5 Shillings or 50 pounds of tobacco….

22 APR 1708 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK 4, pages 137 – 138. Will of John Hudson….my loving Unkle William Rush (II) and my loving brother, Joshua Hudson, Executors….Unkle Rush to have my daughter, Mary, and my brother Joshua until she attain age 16 or married. Wit: Rush Hudson

28 JUL 1708 ORDER BOOK, page 100. Last Will and Testament of John Hudson….a probate (link) granted to William Rush {II} and Joshua Hudson, executors therein named. Ordered John Pratt, John Lilly, Daniel Field and Cossum Bennett appraise.

9 AUG 1708 WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK 4, pages 151 – 152. John Hudson Inventory …Total 8260 pounds of tobacco. Returned by….William Rush {II} and Joshua Hudson

26 JAN 1708/09 ORDER BOOK, page 107. Administration is granted to Elizabeth Rush of the Estate of William Rush {III}, deceased. Ordered Peter Skinner and Cossum Bennett, Securities (link) in 50,000 pounds of tobacco for her due administration. Ordered shee return a true and perfect Inventory of the dec’d Estate to the next Court upon Oath, and is Ordered that John Weedon, Thomas Weedon, John Barnard and Thomas Butler or any three of them being first sworn…doe some tyme before the next Court value and appraise the Deceased Estate and return their valuation to the said next Court.

23 FEB 1708/09 WILLS AND DEEDS Book 4, page 165. In obedience to an order of the Court bearing date the 26 day of January 1708/09, we the subscribers….have valued and appraised the estate of William Rush {III}, dec’d as followeth:

…two feather beds and furniture, one bed with furniture, three chests, one trunk, one table and five chairs, two old tables, 6 flagg chairs, one small horse, three cows, one heifer, one large mare, 2 steers, 1 bull, four 2 year old heifers, six yearlings, four sheep, two lambs, 29 pigs 5 months old, 2 old Bibles, I old testaments, yards of linen, surge, thread, woolen, one new saddle and bridle, cooking utensils, spinning wheel and cards,1 parcel carpenter’s tools, one sett wedges, one old saddle and bridle, 6 pewter porringers, 2 tankards, 26 old spoons, 2 iron candlesticks, 12 iron skures, 1 flesh fork, 2 guns, 2 horses ….total value 19260 pounds of tobacco…

Signed: Elizabeth Rush, Thomas Weedon, John Barnard, Thomas Butler. Test: Benjamin Berryman, Justice. Recorded 2nd Mar 1708/1709.

23 FEB 1708/09 ORDER BOOK, page 113a. Elizabeth, relic of William Rush {III}, deceased, returned into Court an Inventory of her deceased Husband’s Estate (upon her solemne protestation according to Law) shee professing to bee a Quaker. {Rush III apparently died in late December 1708 or early Jan 1708 / 1709….Inventory dated 26 Jan 1708/09 } Teste: James Westcomb, Clerk of Court

24 FEB 1708/09 ORDER BOOK, page 116a. Judgment granted Samuell Duchemin agt estate of John Hudson, deceased, in the hands of William Rush {II} and Joshua Hudson

26 OCT 1709 ORDER BOOK, page 128. Ignatius Robinson, an Orphant, is by this Court bound an Apprentice to Elizabeth Rush of this county, Widdow until he attains the age of 21 years, being 4 years of age last July….after the manner of an Apprentice of this Colony

{22 FEB 1709/10 ORDER BOOK, page 136a. Margery Rush and Bartholomew Rush ??}

{28 SEP 1709 ORDER BOOK, page 128. “Proclamation prohibiting the export of corn, wheat, flower or meale out of this Colony published.”}

25 OCT 1710 ORDER BOOK, page 151. Summons Joan Swillivant, servant to Daniel Field, May Carpenter and Elizabeth Rush to answer complaint….

26 MAR 1712 ORDER BOOK, page 178a. “Upon the motion of Elizabeth Rush it is ordered that an Account of the payments and disbursements by her preferred against the Estate of her husband, William Rush {III}, deceased, be entered on the Record. Included: 645 pounds of tobacco to James Westcomb, 600 pounds tobacco to Joshua Hudson, 2007 pounds tobacco to Burditt Ashton, 1500 pounds tobacco to John Pratt, etc…. To Will Rush {IV}, eldest son to William Rush {III}, dec’d, being his part of his father’s estate, according to appraisement….5448 pounds of tobacco….Elizabeth Rush third part of estate….5448 pounds of tobacco…..Funerall charges….1000 pounds of Tobacco…At the motion of the above named Elizabeth Rush, the above acct. was admitted to record and was recorded the 6th day of Apr 1712. Thomas Sorrell” {This suggests that the final third of the estate went to a second child: Benjamin Rush Senior who would have been a minor at this date and therefore not mentioned.}

{21 MAY 1712 WILLS AND DEEDS, pages 34 – 40. Garrett Welch of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, planter and Caleb Smith of same, planter, to William Duff of Washington Parish, taylor. Lease and Release for 7000 pounds of tobacco 248 acres….plantation commonly called Hawkins’ Old Plantation, in Washington Parish, being part of pattent of 1428 acres granted to Robert Alexander….by Sir William Berkeley, Knight, late Governor of Virginia, lying on the south side of Rosier’s dam between land….Charles Willis….Edward Taylor …Wit: Morrice Corbin, E. Turberville. Admitted to Record: 25 Jun 1712}

{25 JUN 1712 ORDER BOOK, 185a. Garrett Welch and Caleb Smith Deeds of Lease and Release of 248 acres of land in Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, from them to William Duff together with a bond for performance of covenants. Benjamin Berryman, Gent., by virtue of power of attorney from Rebecca Welch and Elizabeth Smith, wives…relinquished their right of Dower and Thirds to the lands.}

{28 JAN 1712/1713 ORDER BOOK, 203a. “Robert Ball being presented by the Grand Jury for not goeing to his parish church, by his attorney appeared, who alleadged that Ball was Quaker and to his knowledge did frequent their meetings, whereupon the Presentment is dismist.”}


30 JAN 1716/17 ORDER BOOK, page….Will and Testament of Garrott {Garrett, Garrat} Welch, John Pratt executor. Daniel Field, William Rush {II}, Richard Roulins and Edward Massey to appraise….

27 MAR 1717 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 122. Garrat {Garrott, Garrett} Welch inventory returned….William Rush {II}, Richard Rallings and Edward Marcy

{27 MAY 1719 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 489. Joseph Smith Estate Inventory, Payments Made….William Duff ( for Taylor’s work)….}

11 MAY 1726 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY, Virginia Land Office, Patent Book 12 (1724 – 1726), page 350. “…. William Rush (IV) of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County; ….a 400 acre tract in the Fork of the Rappahannock, on the Robinson River and Quaker’s Run….in St. Marks parish, Spotsylvania County ….”

{Note: on the same day –

11 MAY 1726 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY: Virginia Land Office, Patent Book 12 (1724 – 1726), page 349. “…. Benjamin Rush of Hanover Parish, King George County;….387 acres in St Marks Parish, Spotsylvania County in the Fork of the Rappahannock….”}

11 MAY 1726 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY, Virginia Land Office, Patent Book 12 (1724 – 1726), page 348. “….William Duffe of King George in Hanover Parish; 642 acres in Spotsylvania County in St. George Parish; in the Fork of the Rappahannock River, on the North side of Goard Vine River….”

See this overlay of William’s and Benjamin’s land plats (image) on a topographic map prepared by Robert Vernon of Charlottesville, Virginia. }

1 NOV 1728 KING GEORGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK, page 426. Suit by petition (link) between Daniel French and Margaret his wife, Plaintiffs, and Evan Price executor of the Will of John Prat, dec’d…..William Rush {IV} divide the Negroes belonging to the Estate of the said John {Prat} dec’d that are in Westmoreland County and set a part 1/3 for the Dower of the said Margaret {French} and that the said Daniel and Margaret be possess’d thereof according to Law.

25 SEP 1732 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 183 & 184. This Indenture (link)….Between Thomas Sharpe of the County of Stafford, Planter, of one part and the Reverend David Stuart of the said County, Clerk, of the other part….in the sum of 5 Shillings good and lawful money of Great Brittain….one certain tract plantation of land lying on the Beaver Damms of Upper Matchodix {Machodoc} in Washington Parish and County of Westmoreland …..commonly called by the name of The Newland and containing….200 acres….which tract of land was formerly granted and conveyed by William Rush {II} late of Westmoreland County to one Philip Payton, his Son in Law, who intermarryed with Mary, the Daughter of the said William Rush {II} as by Deed bearing date 23 Aprile 1678 may appear….(Phillip Payton to John Pratt 15 Dec 1686 {Lease} and 21 Dec 1686 {Release})….along the line of Henry Cossum {Cosham, Causam, Causham}….along the line of Richard Chapman…with all houses, orchards, together with royalties of hunting, hawking, fishing and fowling….

{3 OCT 1732 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY ORDER BOOK, page 166. William Duff’s land improvements valued: 2000 acres “under Ragged Mountain”. See: 23 Mar 1742/43 ORANGE COUNTY DEED BOOK 7, pages 188 – 191. }

***25 JUL 1733 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 223 – 224. This indenture….between William Rush {IV} of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County and Colony of Virginia, planter, of the one part and {Reverend} David Stuart of St. Paul’s Parish, Stafford County, Colony aforesaid, Clerk, of other part;…that William Rush in consideration of the sum of five Shillings of good and lawful money of Great Brittain….doth bargain and sell Lease and to let farm unto David Stuart….parcell of land containing 100 acres ….now in the tenure and occupation of said William Rush {IV}….bounded with the Horse Roade that comes out of the Forrest to Berrymans Mill….being part of a great tract of land consisting of 5200 acres formerly granted Gervas Dodson {former county surveyor}…date 16 September 1657….and afterwards escheated for want of Heirs….and granted to Andrew Pedigrew and by him sold to Robert Howson….of which the hundred acres….above bounded was sold by Howson to William Rush {II}, the Grandfather of the above mentioned grantor and lessee, and granted by deed of gift to William Rush {III}, his son, the Father of the above Grantor, as by deed bearing date the 22 July 1689; And now descended by inheritance to William Rush {IV}, the Grantor hereof, and Grandson to the above mentioned William Rush {II}, the first purchaser thereof;…. which tract was re-patented and granted to William Rush {II} the first purchaser aforesaid the 10th January 1704…..during the term of one year…. Wit: Evan Price, John Pratt, Burkitt Pratt

26 JUL 1733 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 224. This Indenture….Between William Rush IV of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County and Colonay of Virginia, Planter, of the one part and David Stuart of St. Paul’s Parish, Stafford County and Colony aforesaid, Clerk, of the other part….for diverse good causes and considerations him thereunto moving but more especially in consideration of 8500 pounds of good legal tobacco and 5 £ of current money of Virginia to him in hand paid….doth sell and Release unto David Stuart…parcell of land containing 100 acres….paying the quitrents due and accustomed to be paid for the same, being one Shilling Sterling for every fifty acres;….Wit: Evan Price, John Pratt, Burkitt Pratt

I the within William Rush {IV} do hereby acknowledge myself to have received the within mentioned 8500 pounds of tobacco and five pounds of currant money of Virginia from David Stuart and that I am fully satisfied, contented and paid thereof….Teste: Evan Price, John Pratt. At a Court held for the said County the 27th day of November 1733, William Rush {IV} personally ack. this Deed of Release ….to Reverand David Stuart;….And Mary, the Wife of said Rush {IV} (she being first privately examined) personally relinquished her right of Dower (link) and Thirds of in and unto the Lands by the Deed conveyed….Recorded 2 Jan 1733/1734. Teste: G Turberville, Clerk of Court, Westmoreland.

7 MAY 1734 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 306. The Court do think fit and acordingly order that Michael Holt be discharged from being Constable (link). And that William Rush (IV) do serve in his room. And that ye said Rush be sworn Constable before a Majestrate of this Court accordingly. {It is interesting to note that a few months later Michael Holt along with Pastor John Stoever of the Hebron Lutheran Church went to Europe to solicit funds for building a new church and to find an assistent pastor. Michael Holt was one of the first Germans to patent land along the Robinson River.} [130]

30 SEP 1734 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY DEED BOOK, page 58. Deed of Lease. William Rush (IV) of Spotsylvania County for 5 shillings leased to Peter Weaver of same county a 100 acres tract of land in St. Marks Parish being part of 400 acres granted to the said William Rush {III} by patent dated 11 May 1726 bounded by an Ivy point on the Robinson River and Quakers Run….during the term of one year paying one pepper corn upon the feast of St. Michael the Arch Angel if demanded….Wit: Robert Turner, John Cook, Thomas Pulliam. Ack’d 1 Oct 1734 & admitted to record. Attest: John Waller clerk.

1 OCT 1734 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY DEED BOOK, page 59. Deed of Release. William Rush {IV} of Spotsylvania County for £ 10 currant money of Virginia Sold & Released to Peter Weaver of same county a 100 acres tract of land…..(same as immediately above)….Wit: Robert Turner, John Cook, Thomas Pulliam…… Ack’d by William Rush {IV} & Mary, the wife of the said William Rush, ack’d her right of Dower & is admitted to record. Attest: John Waller, Clerk.

1 OCT 1734 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 348. William Rush (IV) acknowledged his Deed of Lease and Release for land, likewise his receipt for ye consideration money unto Peter Weaver, and Mary the wife of ye said William after being privately examined, acknowledged her right of Dower in the said land to the said Weaver at whose motion the same is admitted to record.

1 OCT 1734 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 351…..156 Tithables (link) in William Rush (IV), Constable, Precinct….

21 JAN 1734/35 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 1. Be it remembered on the twenty-first day of January, in the year 1734, a Commission of the Peace directed to Augustine Smith, Goodrich Lightfoot,….Robert Green,…. Joist Hite, Morgan Morgan, Benjamin Borden {these three from the Shenando Valley),…etc. who severally subscribed the Test and then the said John Finalson and Samuel Ball administered the oaths of Justice of the Peace (link) to {the same}….

A Commission to Henry Willis, Gent. under the Hand and Seal….of the Honerable John Carter, Esq., Secretary of Virginia, bearing the date thirteeth day of October, 1734, to be Clerk of Court of this County…..Constables to continue…. {This included William Rush IV whose property was now in Orange County. This was the first court for the newly established Orange County.} [148]

15 JUL 1735 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 25: ….It is ordered that Richard Birdine, William Rush {IV} and Jocob Proyle (?Cragle) or any two of them do meet and view the land of Susanna Criglers so petitioned for {a water grist mill by Michael Claure}….. then they value same…And….make full report of their procedings to the next court.

17 Feb 1735/36 ORANGE COUNTY WILL BOOK I, page 12: Estate of William Rush {IV}….{William Rush leaves no will}…..Know all men by these presents, that we, Mary Rush and Robert Green, Gent., are held and firmly bound unto Goodrich Lightfoot, the first Trustee of the Commission of Peace of Orange County….in the sum of 500 £ Sterling….The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Mary Rush, administrator….of William Rush {IV}, deceased, do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits of the said deceased….or else to remain in full effect. Signed: Mary (X) Rush and Robert Green. Acknowledged and Ordered. {Robert Green, Gent. was a Justice of the Peace, Vestryman of the Church of England, member of the Virginia House of Burgesses (1736 and 1738) and nephew of William Duff whom Elizabeth Rush, widow of William Rush {III}, married.}

17 FEB 1735/36 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 53: Certificate for obtaining Letters of Administration of the Estate of William Rush is granted to Mary Rush his Widow she having made oath according to Law and with Robert Green, Gent., her security (link) acknowledged their bond for the same which is admitted to record.

16 MAR 1735 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 59. Ordered That Richard Birdine, William Lucas, Michael Claure and Henry McCoy or any three of them being first Sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County do meet to Value and appraise the Estate of William Rush {IV}, deceased, and make report of their proceedings to the next court. Teste: Henry Willis, Clerk

21 JUL 1736 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 98: Inventory of William Rush {IV}’s Estate….. 6 cows and calves, 23 shoats, 7 horses and mares, 2 saddles, 2 guns, 15 hogs, 3 beds and furniture, 2 chests, Cooper’s tools, carpenter’s tools, 6 pewter, 6 stilders, old frow {a cleaving tool}, frying pan, sadle and flesh fork, books and glass…Total appraised value: 31 £, 16 Shillings and 6 Pence….the subscribers being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace (link) for the said County Court, have appraised the estate of William Rush {IV}, deceased, before us viz: Whichell Glover {probably “Michael Claure}, William Lucas, Henry McCoy. Recorded

22 SEP 1736 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 108. Ordered that John Micalls be appointed Constable at the Great {Blue Ridge} mountains in the Fork of the Rappahannock {River} in the room of William Rush {IV}, deceased.

22 JUN 1738 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK I, page 331. Rev. William Williams, Gent., brought against many men including William Rush {V}….”for signing scandalous letter”. Several asked to be excused but 19 men including William Rush {V} desired the suit to be continued…. Cont. to Next Court.

{23 FEB 1741/42 ORANGE COUNTY DEED BOOK, pages 13 – 18. Peter Weaver of Orange County to Henry F. Beyerbeck of same. Lease and Release; for £ 14.10 current money of Virginia…. 100 acres in St. Mark’s Parish, part of 400 acres granted to William Rush {IV} by pattent 11 May 1726….on the Robinson River….mouth of Quaker’s Run…. Wit: Zacharias Blankenbeeker, John Zimmerman, John Thomas}

25 NOV 1742 ORANGE COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 3, 292. Grand Jury Presentments: “We likewise present John Kelly for comitting adultry with Anne alias Nannie Rush in the Parish of St. Thomas within this Six months last past. We likewise present Anne alias Nannie Rush for having a bastard child in the Parish of St Thomas within Six Months last past.” [28] {The established Church of England and the English Parliament required all marriages to be performed in the Church. Many Quakers (link) on the other hand felt their faith required them not to marry in the Church of England. In fact, church elders at the Monthly Meetings of the Quakers chastised such couples “condemning their taking each other in marriage from outside the Society of Friends”. [127] The action of the Churchwardens of St. Thomas Parish of bringing a Grand Jury Presentment against them was a form of harassment which Quakers endured. The degree of intolerance of Quakers varied with who was in power in England – Puritans, Catholics or a tolerant King – and from county to county in Virginia. Westmoreland and King George Counties where William Duff and William Rush III lived were more tolerant but not without incident. [152] } Court Order (image)

23 MAR 1742/43 ORANGE COUNTY DEED BOOK, pages 188 – 191. William Duff Sr. of King George County to Robert Green {Gent.} of Orange County. Lease and Release; ….400 acres….William Rush {V} formerly had of Robert Green on account of William Duff….at the upper corner of Duff’s tract of 1400 acres on Huses {Hughes} River on the south side….head of the north branch of Bloodworth’s Run….under the foot of the Ragged Mountains…..William (W) Duff Wit: Catlett Conway, Francis Kirtley, Geo. Home. Ack’d: Wm Duff 24 Mar 1742/43. {NOTE: William Rush (V) died without issue just before this transfer. ?? See 21 JUL 1747}

{4 NOV 1743 KING GEORGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK 2, page 373 – 374. William Duff Junior died October 1743. Administration is granted to Mathew Toole on the estate of William Duff Jr., deceased, and Ann Duff {his daughter} came into Court and made choice of the said Mathew Toole to be her guardian. “There is an account of the Estate of William Duff Jr. filed by Mathew Toole in the Fiduciary Account Book 3, pages 26 – 27 on 5 Jul 1745 in which Ann Duff is mentioned.” ??? this conflicts with 2 DEC 1743 below.

{2 MAR 1743/1744 KING GEORGE COUNTY DEED BOOK 3, page 1 – 2. To all Xtian People… I, William Duff, of the Hanover Parish King George County appoint my Nephew Robert Green, Gent. of St. Mark’s Parish County of Orange my true & Lawful Attorney ….receive all persons indebted to me….upon Non payment….to sue…likewise act in relation to a parcel of Land in Countys of Augusta & Frederick in which I am concerned with Juste Hite & Robert McCay…confirming all acts …do hereby Impower him to grant Leases on my land in Countys of Orange Either for Term of Years or Lives & Likewise of my Land in Countys of Augusta & Frederick, Prince William and King George and Westmoreland…2nd March 1743 / 1744…Wit: Peter Bailleul, William Marders, William Sarjant…Power of Attorney Recorded. Harry Turner, Cl Cur }

{2 DEC 1743 KING GEORGE COUNTY BOOK OF INVENTORIES (1721 – 1744), 295 – 297. The inventory and appraisement of the Estate of William Duff Jr., deceased….items valued and totaled £118.0.1 1/2. ….includes one negro man, a parcel of old silver….Appraisers: Benja. Strother, Wm. Harrison, James Scurlock…At a court held 2 DEC 1743….inventory and appraisement presented into court and admitted to record.}

{2 AUG 1745 KING GEORGE COUNTY WILL BOOK A-1 (1721 – 1752), 179 – 182. In the name of God Amen. I William Duff of the Hanover Parish in the County of King George being of sound mind and memory….Item: I leave to my Loving Wife Elizabeth {Rush} Duff during her natural life all my lands in the Countys of King George and Westmoreland with all my household goods and stock …..and likewise all the Negroes and servants which shall be there at the time of my decease, and after her decease, I lend it to my kinsmen William Duff {son} of the Colony of Virginia and John Duff of the Kingdom of Ireland and to the Friends of the Monthly Meeting at West River in Maryland called Quakers in trust that it shall be for the use of such travelling publick friends as shall come to visit us and have a meeting among the people here….and likewise for to produce a guide to conduct them either to Chesterfield or else to the Cliffs in Maryland over the Patuxen River and to pay their ferriage and to keep the Meeting House in repair (and also to do their endeavour towards keeping the stock of Negroes upon the plantations)….and that my kinsman Willaim Duff live upon the said land in the house where I now do and if at any time they shall slight or neglect the publick Friends that come to visit us then my will is that the whole trust shall be in the Monthly Meeting aforesaid and they shall appoint whom they think fit to come and take possession thereof….Item: I give and bequeath to my kinswoman Lilly Whitherall….two hundred acres….Item: I give and bequeath to my kinswoman Jane Brown….one hundred acres….Item: I give and bequeath to the three younger sons of William Rush (IV) and the heirs of their bodys lawfully begotten all the remaining part of the tract of land it being the last tract I took up at the Ragged Mountain to be equally divided between them according to the approbation of Robert Green of Orange County…Item: ….Item: I give and bequeath to my kinsmen William Green, Robert Green and Nicholas Green….all the remaining part of the tracts of land belonging to me in Orange County and under the Ragged Mountain….Item: I give and bequeath to my kinsmen John Green, James Green and Moses Green all the lands belonging to me on Sherrando River and the branches thereof….Item: I give and bequeath to my kinsman Duff Green after the decease of my wife my Plantation on Broad Run….Item: I give and bequeath to Ann Shotwell….Two Hundred acres….Item: I give and bequeath to my kinswoman Ann Duff, the daughter of William Duff, the remaining part of tract of land on Tin Pot Run in Prince William County….Item: It is my will and desire that the legacies of land already bequeathed shall be possessed and enjoyed from heir to heir and not to be sold or embezeled away to any whatsoever. Item: …do constitute and appoint my Loving Wife Elizabeth Duff Executrix and my kinsmen William Duff and Robert Green Executors to this my Last Will and Testament. This ____day of _____ Anno Dom. 1741. Wit: Benjamin Strothers, William Marders, James Maxwell.

NOTE: William Duff Junior preceeded his father in death in October 1743. See entry for 4 NOV 1743 above.}

{2 AUG 1745 KING GEORGE COUNTY WILLS BOOK, 182. The Last Will and Testament of William Duff, deceased….was approved by the oaths of Benjamin Strothers and William Marders and admitted to record. Robert Green, Executor.}

{5 JUL 1745 KING GEORGE COUNTY DEED BOOK 3 (1743 – 1752), page 61. To the Worshipfull Court Elizabeth {Rush} Duff, widdow of William Duff late of this county, deceased, humbly Sheweth that the said William dyed Testate but that she is not Satisfied with the provision made for her by the said Will it being as she conceives greatly to her Prejudice & therefore she hereby declares she will not….take the Legacies….but hereby renounces all benefit….& therefore prays that proper persons may be appointed to set apart her lawful part of all her said husband’s estate….Presence Benj. Strother, William Marders. At a court held 2 AUG 1745….Deed of Writing recorded…..}

{2 AUG 1745 KING GEORGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK 2, page 456. The Will of William Duff, Senior, deceased, was admitted to probate in the usual manner, however, his widow Elizabeth {Rush} Duff came into Court and stated she would not accept the provisions made for her in his Will. On 2 August 1745 Robert Green, Gent., came into Court and qualified as executor of the Will of William Duff, deceased, and John Champe and George Morton, Gentlemen, became his Securities on his executorial bond. This bond was exceedingly high ( 1000 £ of Current Money ) as the Will was exceptionally long and entailing….}

{5 SEP 1745 KING GEORGE COUNTY INVENTORYS 2, 7 – 10. The first Inventory of William Duff {Sr.} Estate was filed by Robert Green. }

28 NOV 1745 ORANGE COUNTY DEED BOOK 10, 261. A True List of Surveys made from 29th of January 1744/45 to the 15th of January 1745/46 in that part of Orange Designed to be Augusta County.

6 February 1744/1745 John Rush 126 acres. On south side of Black Spring.

7 February 1744/1745 John Rush 100 acres. Line of John Edmiston and the mountain.

Surveyor: Thos. Lewis

{12 JUL 1746 KING GEORGE COUNTY DEED BOOK 6, 22. Additional inventory of Estate of William Duff, deceased, returned to court by Robert Green and addmitted to record. Wit: Wm. Harrison, Benj. Strother, Wm. Wheeler. Test: Harry Turner, C. C.}

27 SEP 1746 ORANGE COUNTY, ORDER BOOK 4A, page 93. “The Ch’wardens of St Marks Parish against Margaret Rush. In debt for having a Bastard in said Parish. This Day came the Plaintiffs by Zachary Lewis Gent. their attorney & the said Margaret being again called but came not. Therefore it is Considered by this Court That the Plaintiffs recover against the said Margaret Rush & Thomas Milum, Thomas Henderson & Phenley McCholister her securitys five hundred Pounds of Tobacco & Cast or fifty Shillings and That They Pay the Cost of This suit.”. [32] Court Order (image)

{6 MAR 1746/47 KING GEORGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK, 509. Robert Green presented into court an account of the charges and disbursements on the Estate of William Duff Sr., deceased, which being examined was admitted to record.}

{3 JUL 1747 KING GEORGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK (1746 – 1751), 522. An additional inventory of the Estate of William Duff, deceased, is returned into court by Robert Green & admitted to record.}

{22 FEB 1747/48 ORANGE COUNTY WILL BOOK 2 (1744 – 1778), 127 – 131. Will of Robert Green of St. Mark’s Parish in the County of Orange, being a little indisposed in body dated 23 FEB 1743/44…. To my beloved wife Eleanor Green her due share of all my goods, chattles and outstanding debts in proportion to the number of my children. Also an equal share or proportion of the lands which I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease, during her life….

By the Will of my deceased uncle William Duff, he left unto his wife Elizabeth during her life all his lands, Negroes, etc., in King George and Westmoreland counties and after her decease he lent the Negroes, etc., to William Duff (Jr.) of Virginia and John Duff of the Kingdom of Ireland and to the Friends of the Monthly Meeting at West River in Maryland in trust and mentions certain uses and charges to be defrayed thereby, and for want of heirs he lends the Estate to me during my life and after my decease to my son Wm. Green. Now Wm. Duff being dead without male issue and John Duff having as yet not claimed the said Estate, the same remains in my possession and after my death will descend to my son William Green. It is my desire that if John should not claim the said Estate within three years after my decease, my son Wm. Green shall refund to my wife Elianor and my other sons to be equally divided between them (except my son Duff as before) all his part of my personal Estate which he shall receive at my decease. But if John Duff should recover the Estate from my said son, then he may have his equal share…..

I am possest of 100 acres in Prince William County which descends to me as heir at law of Wm. Duff. I am also heir in reversion to the remainder of a tract containing 500 and odd acres joining the 100 acres; 200 acres part of the 500 acres Wm. Duff bequeathed to Ann Shotwell and the remainder to Ann Duff now wife of Tully Choice. I desire the land may be sold and money divided between my sons Wm. Green and Robert Green…..

My beloved wife Elianor executrix, my sons William and Robert Green and my good friend Francis Slaughter, Gent. Executors. Admitted to record 22 FEB 1747/1748.}

25 FEB 1747/48 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK 5, 87. Upon Petition of Margaret Rush { presumably Anne Margaret alias “Nanny”, the daughter of William Rush IV, who is believed to have married John Kelly } against Mathew Toll setting forth the said Mathew’s misusage of her Child, it is order that the Sheriff summon the said Mathew to appear at the next Court and answer the said Petition.

{3 MAR 1747/48 KING GEORGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK (1746 – 1751), 619. Robert Green executor of William Duff, deceased, & that the said Green is since dead & the Estate of the said Duff is removed out of this county, it’s therefore ordered that William Green {son of Robert Green} & executors of the said Robert Green be summoned to the next court to answer the said petition.}

24 MAR 1747/48 ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK 5, 99. Upon the Petition of Margaret Rush { presumably the daughter of William Rush IV who is believed to have married John Kelly } against Mathew Tool, this day came the parties by their Attornies who being fully heard, it is considered that the Petition be dismissed. { see 25 FEB 1747 / 1748 }

{5 DEC 1748 ORANGE COUNTY WILL BOOK 2 (1744 – 1778), 203 – 212. Inventory and estimated value of Estate of Robert Green made 5 DEC 1748. Recorded 27 MAR 1755}

{8 DEC 1748 ORANGE COUNTY WILL BOOK 2 (1744 – 1778), 212 – 218. Division of Robert Green’s slaves made 8 DEC 1748. Recorded 27 MAR 1755.}

***2 MAR 1749/50 KING GEORGE COUNTY WILL BOOK A-1 (1721 – 1752) , pages 234 – 235. Will of Elizabeth Rush Duff dated 27 OCT 1746….”Item: I leave to my son, Benjamin Rush (Sr.), 4 £ in cash and to his youngest daughters viz. Elizabeth, Jane and Alis 8 £ in cash to be divided between them equally….Item: My desire is that the great table may remain in its place for the use of William Green and desire that he may not let it be made use of in an Ordinary. Item: I give and bequeath to Benjamin Rush, the son of William Rush {IV}, deceased, one feather bed and furniture and all my iron carpenter’s tools, one coopers ax. Item: I leave my stock of cattle and hogs and the remainder part of my pewter….two skillets….my iron pots to be equally divided between eight of William Rush {IV}’s children and one of Benjamin Rush {Sr.}’s children named as followeth: Benjamin Rush, Crafford Rush, John Rush, James Rush, Elizabeth McColester, Mary Rush formerly so called, Ann { ? Ann Margaret Kelly } and Sarah being sons and daughters of William Rush, and Amey Grigsby being the daughter of the said Benjamin Rush {Sr.}…..Item: I give and bequeath to my grandson, Benjamin Rush {Jr.}, son of Benjamin Rush {Sr.}, all the remainder part of my estate and what profits shall arise thereform from the date of this will only that he pay his father and sisters the above mentioned money…. Item: ….And appoint my grandson Benjamin Rush {Jr.}, the son of Benjamin Rush {Sr.}, Executor….and Evan Price Executor to this my last Will…” Wit: Wm. Robeson, Thos. Robeson, Thomas Macey.

Presented by Benjamin Rush Junior, executor. Proved by Thomas Robeson and Thomas Macey. Admitted to Record. Test: Harry Turner, Clerk.

{NOTE: William Rush’s (IV) daughter, Mary Rush, was by this time married to Thomas Milam. The elderly Elizabeth Rush Duff apparently had forgotten Mary Rush’s married name and thus referred to her as Mary Rush formerly so called . Her reference to Elizabeth McColester confirms her marriage to Finley McColester {McCallester}. Also note that William Rush (V) is not mentioned in Elizabeth’s Will confirming his previous death, possibly as early as the Winter of 1742/1743 since William Duff tranferred William Rush (V)’s 400 acres to Robert Green in March of that year. See entry for 23 MAR 1742/43 above.}

2 MAR 1749/50 KING GEORGE COUNTY COURT ORDER BOOK 2, 652. Elizabeth {Rush} Duff’s Will was approved in the usual manner. Benjamin Rush Junior, her executor, gave bond in the sum of £400 Current Money of Virginia with Benjamin Strothers, his security, for his true Executorpship of the estate of Elizabeth Duff, deceased.

4 MAY 1750 KING GEORGE COUNTY COURT ORDER BOOK 2, 662. An Inventory of the Estate of Elizabeth {Rush} Duff, deceased, returned to court by Benjamin Rush Jr., executor. Admitted to record. {No details provided.}

18 SEP 1753 CULPEPER COUNTY DEED BOOK B, page 65 – 67. This indenture….by and between Benjamin Rush {the 2nd son of William Rush IV} of the County of Culpeper on the one part and John Thomas of the same County of the other part….Lease of 100 acres, part of the 400 acres formerly granted to William Rush {IV} by pattent, the said William Rush dying without Will and his son, William Rush {V}, dying without heirs of his body, the said land descended to Benjamin Rush as being the next heir of the said William Rush the Elder… lands of Anthony Strother and Major Philip Rootes….For the lives of John Thomas and Betty his wife. Yearly rent on 1 Januaury 475 pounds of tobacco. Wit: Robert Mackie, George Row

21 DEC 1754 CULPEPER COUNTY DEED BOOK B, page 223 – 229. This indenture….between Benjamin Rush {the 2nd son of William Rush IV} of Culpeper County and Rachel his wife, on the one part and Phillip Rootes of the Parish of Stratton Major, King and Queen County of the other part….Lease and Release for £150 current money. All that tract of land containing 300 acres, being the same more or less,….as the plantation whereon the said Benjamin Rush now liveth, adjoining the land of Phillip Rootes, and is part of the tract of 400 acres granted to William Rush {IV}, the father of the said Benjamin Rush….until the full end and term of one year thence….that by virtue of these presents and of the Statue for transferring uses into possession, the said Rootes may be in actual possession of the premises and be enabled to accept a Release….Wit: John Scott, Thomas Griffin, John Kelly, James Rush This indenture of Lease ack’d and Recorded 20 Mar 1755/1756. Rachel was first privily examined. Roger Dixon, Clerk

16 SEP 1767 NORTHEN NECK WARRENTS AND SURVEYS – Surveys Not Acted Upon by Peggy S. Joyner. ?? page. Survey for James Rush {son of William Rush IV}, 293 acres. Culpeper County. Adjacent to James Rush and his brother, John Rush, and John Brown. James Rush, son of William Rush, was devised by the Will of William Duff, deceased, of King George County; land Wm. Duff was previously Granted and now claimed by said Rush, by virtue of William Duff’s Will dated 1741 and proven in King George Court on 2 Auguust 1745. Chain Carriers: John Kelly, Joseph Henson. Pilots: George Wetherall, William White, John Rush, James Rush. Surveyor: Richard Young

16 SEP 1767 NORTHEN NECK WARRENTS AND SURVEYS by Peggy S. Joyner. ?? page. John Rush {son of William Rush IV} , 293 acres. Hughes River and Rush Run formerly Granted to William Duff, deceased, and devised by Will to John Rush. Adjacent to James Rush brother. Bradley’s Mill is drawn on the plat. Granted (link) 6 October 1767. Chain Carriers: John Kelly, Joseph Henson. Pilots: George Weatherall, William White, John Rush, James Rush. Surveyor: Richard Young

6 OCT 1767 NORTHERN NECK GRANT BOOK Q, 99. The Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron of Cameron in that part of Great Britain called Scotland Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia….John Rush {son of William Rush IV}, of Culpeper County…..being possession of fifty acres of land being a part of a larger tract granted to William Duff being by him devised to said John Rush…..and the said John Rush conceiving that their was surplus land withion the Bounds of the Tract hath moved that my Deed include the wqhole for that purpose presented a survey under the hand of Mr. Richard young whereby it appears there are 243 surplus acres of land within the Tract….On the north side of the Hughes’ River and running down the River….to the mouth of Rocky Run….thence with a dividing line between the said Rush and his brother, James Rush… the back line to the Patent corner to both John and James Rush….containing one hundred and ninety three acres. Fairfax

3 JUL 1779 NORTHEN NECK WARRENTS AND SURVEYS Vol 5, by Peggy S. Joyner. ?? page. John Rush {son of William Rush IV}, 4 acres. Culpeper County. Adjacent his own land, Capt. Ambrose Barbour, Capt. James Ball and a corner of land belonging to the Dutch congregation. Chain Carriers: William McCalester, Benjamin Rush. Surveyor: George Hume.

NOTE TO READERS: All the words in bold type face are links to images, maps or word definitions in the Glossary.The Citations and Glossary are available under the Resources tab or here (link) .


This is a County Photo Album (link)   showing when counties were added in Virginia over time.

Northumberland County formed in 1648

Lancaster County from Northumberland County in 1652

Westmoreland County from Northumberland County in 1653

Stafford County from Westmoreland County in 1664

Richmond County from Northumberland County in 1692

King George County from Richmond County in 1720

Spotsylvania County from Essex, King and Queen and King William Counties in 1721

Caroline County from Essex, King and Queen, and King William Counties in 1728

Prince William County from King George County 1731

Orange County from Spotsylvania County in 1734

Culpeper County from Orange County in 1749