John Milam Jr in Laurens County, SC 1780 – 1800
Court Records for John Milam Jr, Thomas Milam and Benjamin Milam Halifax County, NC and Laurens County, SC
On 15 DEC 1786 John Milam Jr first appears in Laurens County records when he is mentioned in Meriah Goodman’s Deed (Deed Book B, page 96 – 97) as bordering Goodman’s land. On 16 JUL 1788 John bought 220 acres “on both sides of Little River” (Deed Book B, pages 420 -421) – he apparently had been leasing land previously.
By December 1791 both Benjamin Milam and Thomas Milam are documented in Laurens County records and purchasing land. Benjamin bought 200 acres on 9 DEC 1791 (Deed Book D, page 38 – 39) and Thomas bought 100 acres “on both sides of Norths Creek” on 16 DEC 1791 (Deed Book D, page 161).
A review of their Halifax County and Laurens County court records, in particular deeds, confirms the names of their wives, examples of their “signatures” and provides approximate dates for their leaving Halifax County. In Laurens County we learn that John Milam Jr was first appointed a Constable (link) on 14 MAR 1788. And we see the brothers acquiring land and acting as witnesses for each other’s land purchases. All three Milams were still in Laurens County court records in 1800.
Since the Library of Virginia does not have microfilm of South Carolina court records, my sources were four books of abstracted court records: Laurens County, SC, Court Minutes 1786 – 1789 by Brent H. Holcomb; Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1785 – 1793 by Larry Vehorn; Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1794 – 1800 by Larry Venorn and Index to County Wills of South Carolina compiled by Martha Lou Houston. I have scanned the pertinent Milam pages to prepare small .pdf booklets of each. You may download each .pdf if you wish by clicking on the word “here“.
Laurens County, SC, Court Minutes 1786 – 1789 You may view it here (link) .
Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1785 – 1793 You may view it here (link) .
Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1794 – 1800 You may view it here (link) .
Index to County Wills of South Carolina You may view it here (link) .
From microfilm of Halifax County records we learn some details of these men’s lives: the size of their farms, the location, any restrictions which John Sr might have placed upon his deed to his sons, when they sold property and the name of their wife since a wife’s permission was required to sell land because of her Right of Dower (link).
John Milam Jr
From John Jr’s Revolutionary War declaration we recall that he stated that he was born on 12 JUN 1753 in Brunswick County, Virginia, that he joined the 7th Regiment of Virginia of the Army of the United States in the Spring of 1776 and served for two years. Later he was drafted into the Halifax County Militia to defend against the Siege of the 96th District fort in western South Carolina (May – June 1781). Afterward he returned to Halifax County and a few months later bought his first land. View John Jr’s pension declaration here (link) .
__ SEP 1781, pages 134 – 135: “This indenture between Nathaniel Hall and John Milam for the Sum of Five Thousand Pounds current money of Virginia assigns “a certain Tract of land containing by Estimation one hundred acres bounded by…. along line to Bartlett Milam and Halls land.” Signed Nathaniel Hall. Elizabeth, his wife, renounced her dower and signed with her mark.”
NOTE: I have doubled checked the sum of £5000 and the 100 acres. They are as written in the deed but do seem way out of line compared with other sales of 100 acres of land.
28 FEB 1784, page 426: “This Indenture between “John Milam Jun” and Robert Tucker for the sum of twenty five Pounds Current Money “all that Tract of Land lying between Bradley’s Creek and Flouses branch Containing by Estimate one hundred acres”. Signed John Milam and his wife, Nancy (x) . John’s wife, Nancy, relinquished her Right of Dower (link) by making her mark, an “x”. John Jr was sufficiently literate that he wrote his name.
John Jr removed to Laurens County, SC, in 1784. Recall that he had been in the area previously during the 1781 Siege of the 96th District fort. John Sr died in York County, SC, in 1789 and mentioned John Jr in his Will.
Thomas Milam
20 FEB 1783, pages 270 – 271. “This Indenture between John Milam (Sr) and Thomas Milam in Consideration of ____ Pounds lawful money of Virginia assigns one certain Tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres of land more or less situate on the branches of Bradley creek….and the said John Milam doth not allow the said Thomas Milam or his heirs to dispose of the land by sale during the life of the said John Milam. Signed: John his mark Milam. No witnesses.”
18 SEP 1783, page 356. “This Indenture between Thomas & John Milam (Sr) on the one part and Joseph Clark in consideration of fifty pounds of Current Money of Virginia assign one certain Tract of Land containing one hundred and fifity acres more or less. Signed: Thomas “his mark” Milam, John “his mark” Milam. No witnesses. No Dower was mentioned.”
{ From the Halifax County Index to Marriages, Thomas Milam married Elizabeth Tolbert on 12 JUN 1786 which is why no Dower was mentioned in this 1783 deed of sale. }
Thomas was not only named in John Milam Sr’s Will dated 3 JUN 1789 in York County but he also was named Executor (link) of his Will. When John Sr died a couple of months later this obligated Thomas to be in South Carolina. The 1790 South Carolina census lists a Thomas Milam in Laurens County of the Ninety-Six District.
Benjamin Milam
2 FEB 1785, Pages 193 – 194: “This Indenture between John Milam Sr and Benjamin Milam in consideration of the sum of twenty five Pounds Current Money of Virginia “one parcel of land whereon the said Benjamin now lives…Beginning at a bunch of Alders on Thomas Milam’s Spring branch…meanders to Samuel McCraw’s line…containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less. Signed John “his mark” Milam. Witnesses: Bartle Milam, Thomas “his mark” Milam, Samuel McCraw.”
19 DEC 1787, pages 192 – 193. “This Indenture between Benjamin Milam and William Bowmar Jun “in Consideration of fourty seven Pounds ten Shilling Current Money of Virginia assigns one certain tract of Land situate on the waters of Bradley creek containing by estimation one hundred and fifty acres”. Signed: Benjamin “his mark” Milam. Judith, the wife of Benjamin, “Voluntarily Relinguished her Right of Dower (link)” orally but did not sign.
It appears that Benjamin first removed to York County, South Carolina, since he is found on the 1790 census in the Camden District of York County. Recall that his father, John Sr, signed his will and died in York County in 1789. Benjamin was mentioned in his Will. As you shall read below a Benjamin joined John Jr in Laurens County in 1791.
COURT MINUTE BOOK (1786 – 1789)
12 MAR 1788, page 89: “John Blackwell vs John Milam. Trespass. By consent this suit is ordered to be dismissed. Each party paying their own cost.
14 MAR 1788, page 94: “The court proceeds to appoint Constables for Laurens County when the following persons were appointed, to wit: Edward Gidien, John Owins, John Entrekin, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, John Milam, ___ and ___ . Ordered the Justices administer the Oath of Office to the above Mentioned Persons ….”
6 JUN 1788, page 232: “The following persons were Drawn to serve as Constables at this Court, To wit: John Milam, John Owins, John Entrekin.
16 SEP 1789, page 321: “This day John Milam came into Court & was sworn according to law, Constable (link). Also Lewis Wells is appointed Constable & was duly sworn in open Court.
{NOTE: No entries were made for Benjamin or Thomas Milam from 1786 – 1789.}
15 DEC 1786, page 96 – 97: “George Anderson to Meriah Goodman “both sides of North Creek containing 14 acres”. Borders on James Burnsides, Robert Young, John Milam, etc. Signed George Anderson, Molly Anderson
{ Thus far this is the first record found for John Milam Jr in Laurens County, SC. So John Jr was his leasing land at this time. }
16 JUL 1788, pages 420 -421: “Wm Dendy and Clary, his wife, to John Milam for £145…..sell on both sides of Little River containing 220 acres….Signed Wm Dendy, Clary Dendy. No witnesses
10 DEC 1788, page 308: “John Milam and Nancy his wife to Thomas Wilks and Francis Lester sell for £125 one Tract of land on waters of Norths Creek containing 160 acres….Signed: John Milam and Nancy (x) Milam. Witnesses: Ambrose Hall, James Clardy. Recorded 7 MAR 1791.
NOTE: I was not able to find John’s purchase deed for this 160 acres of land on Norths Creek; perhaps it was recorded later. For an example see Book F, 9 OCT 1791.
9 DEC 1791, pages 203 – 204: “Silvanus Walker and Sarah, his wife, to Ambrose Hall sold for £10 a certain tract of land on waters of Norths Creek containing 40 acres more or less. Witness: Benjamin (x) Milam, Thomas Jones. Witness Oath by Benjamin (x) Milam 18 FEB 1792 Recorded 24 JUL 1792.
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{ Thus far this is the first record found for Benjamin Milam in Laurens County, SC. }
16 DEC 1791, page 161: “Robert Hall and Mary his wife to Thomas Milam for £30 of lawful money sell one certain tract of land in said county on both sides of Norths Creek containing 100 acres more or less…. Wittness: Sylvaner Walker, Jonathan Johnson. Signed Robert Hall, Mary (x) Hall. Witness Oath of Sylvanus Walker 15 MAY 1792. Recorded 16 MAY 1792.
{ Thus far this is the first record found for Thomas Milam in Laurens County, SC. }
9 DEC 1791, pages 38 – 39: “Silvanus Walker [sic] to Benjamin Milam for £30 sold one certain Tract of land containing 200 acres more or less. Witness: Thomas Jones, Ambrose Hall, John Milam. Oath of John Milam and Thomas Jones Given 18 JUL 1792. Recorded 27 AUG 1793.
22 AUG 1793, page 40: “Jesse Owley and Keziah his wife to Thomas Milam for £20 sold one certain Tract of land on the North side of Norths Creek containing 50 acres more or less….Witness: Benjamin (x) Milam, John Milam. Witness oath by Benjamin (x) Milam 27 AUG 1793. Recorded 27 AUG 1793.
17 FEB 1794, pages 113 – 114. “John Milam & Nancy his wife to Crystopher Roland for £30 one certain tract of Land on the South side of Little River containing 30 acres more or less. Witness Ezekl Roland, Mansfield Walker. Signed: John Milam, Nancy (x) Milam. Witness oath by Ezekiel Roland 17 FEB 1794. Recorded 17 FEB 1794.
18 JUL 1794, pages 260 – 261: “John Milam & Nancy his wife to Mansfield Walker for £50 sold one certain Tract of Land containing 180 acres more or less. Situate on both sides of Little River. Witness: Edmond Grinage, James (x) Ramsey. Signed: John Milam, Nancy (x) Milam. Witness oath by Edmond Grinage 18 JUL 1794. Recorded 18 JUL 1794.
2 OCT 1794, pages 299 – 300: “Robert Sims (Laurens County) in consideration of Love and Affection I bear toward my Loving friend, Drury Boyce, give all my goods, one Negro wench, Atha; four Head of Cattle; two feather beds and furniture; Silver Watch; with all I now posses in my Dwelling house in said county. Witness: Flemen (x) Hatcher, Nancey (x) Hatcher. Signed: Robert Sims. Witness oath of Fleman (x) Hatcher 24 OCT 1794
9 OCT 1791, pages 391 – 392: “Thomas Wadsworth & William Turpin to John Milam for Lb 45 sold all that Tract of Land containing 150 acres more or less on the East side of Little River…. Witness Silv. Walker, Joseph (J) Groves. Signed Thomas Wadsworth. Witness by oath of Silv. Walker 1 DEC 1798. [No record date]
NOTE: This deed should have been recorded in DEED BOOK D in 1791.
17 JUL 1799, pages 454 – 455: “John Milam for $300 paid by Reuben Carter, sold all that tract of land containing by Estimation 100 acres more or less in said county being part of 300 acres originally granted to John Cargill 31 OCT 1769 and by him conveyed to Cornelius Cargill his son…..Borders: Little River…James Young, Thomas Denny, Ambrose Hall. Witness: Abram Hall, Henry Hall. Signed: John Milam. Dower (link) relinguished by Nancy (x) Milam, wife of John Milam 17 JUL 1799.
{ As far as these deed books are concerned, none of the Milam brothers had removed from Laurens County, SC, before 1800 since none had sold all his property. }
Since the Library of Virginia does not have microfilm records for South Carolina, my only sources were four books of abstracted records: Laurens County, SC, Court Minutes 1786 – 1789 by Brent H. Holcomb; Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1785 – 1793 by Larry Vehorn; Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1794 – 1800 by Larry Venorn and Index to County Wills of South Carolina compiled by Martha Lou Houston. I have scanned the pertinent Milam pages to prepare small .pdf booklets of each. You may download them for your records by clicking on the word “here”.
Laurens County, SC, Court Minutes 1786 – 1789 You may view it here (link) .
Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1785 – 1793 You may view it here (link) .
Laurens County, SC, Deeds 1794 – 1800 You may view it here (link) .
Index to County Wills of South Carolina You may view it here (link) .
Possible Issue of John Milam Sr
The birth dates below are Robert Wilbanks IV’s estimates adjusted for the above facts.
I. Edward, Born by 1733 – ??
II. Grace Milam, Born “circa 1740” – ?
III. Samuel Milam, Born by 1740 – ?
IV. James Milam, Born by 1741 – ?
V. Adam Milam, Born by 1744 – ?
VI. Bartlett {Ferrill} Milam, Born “circa 1748” – ?
VII. Edmund Milam, Born by 1749 – Brunswick County
VIII. Benjamin Milam, Born “circa 1750” – Brunswick County
IX. John Milam, Jr., Born 12 JUN 1753 – Brunswick County
X. Thomas Milam, Born “circa 1757” – Brunswick County
XI. Nancy Milam, Born – ?
SPECULATION: If one assumes that the definite descendants of John Milam Sr are the persons mentioned in John Sr’s Will plus those eventually found in Halifax County where John Sr spent much of his adult life, the remainder are: Edward (born by 1733), Adam (by 1744) and Edmund (by 1749) – all found in Brunswick County but not in Chesterfield County or Halifax County – who might not be John Sr’s children.
In theory, Edward could be much older, say born by 1724 – old enough to be the father of Adam and Edmund. That would make Edward most likely a brother or cousin of John Sr. In 2019 – three hundred years later – it’s really a guessing game.
My best guess for the origin of John and Thomas Milam is near the bottom of my article on Milam Mariners and Merchants from Great Britain which you may read here (link) .