Milam and Kelly Petition for a Road to Poteat’s Gap, July 1783 – Original

Digital Image of BEDFORD COUNTY LOOSE PAPERS, Road Petitions, 1783

Millam and Kelley Names are Near the Bottom of the Page

“To the Worshipful Court of Bedford County – The petition of sundry of the Inhabitants of Bedford County Humbly Beseacheth That your Petitioners Labour under Great Inconveniences for the want of a Road from Halley’s Gap to Peteat’s Gap along a Road opened by Francis Halley which is Far the Nearest and Best Way. The way that Now is, is a Difficult Hilly way and by some Distance the Fartherest, And Likewise runs through the Plantation and Orchard of Peter Wilkerson and Is a Great Detriment to him. And ever hope your worships will consider These Inconveniences As we are convinced that a much Difficulter Way could not be Got Than For it to Run through the Orchard and Plantation of the said Peter Wilkerson. We shall cease to Trouble You any Futher, But rest Satisfyed that Your Homorable Court will Not neglect to promote every useful Purpose that shall come before You and your petitioners as In Duty Bound shall Pray.” [497]

This is the original document upon which corrections have been made in the petition paragraph and additional paper was pasted on at the bottom to lengthen it. Note that William and Zachariah signed their last name “Millam” and Benjamin and James signed their name last name”Kelley” which the learned Clerk of Court decided to ignore in favor of Milam and Kelly.

Original 1783 Road Petition with Millam and Kelley signatures