Court Records for Francis Gray ???? – 1667

A Chronology of his Life as Found in Court Records of the Arhives of Maryland and Westmoreland County, Virginia

This is a Chronology of Francis Gray’s life as found in 77 court records. They begin with records from the Maryland Archives in 1738 and follow him to Northumberland County of Virginia in 1648 and then to Westmoreland County after 1653 when it was partitioned from Northumberland County. It may be helpful for the reader to view this County Photo Album (link) to learn how and when Virginia counties were added before proceeding.

You may read a narative of Gray’s life including his participation in Ingle’s Rebellion by clicking here . My clarifications 0f quotes are within { }.

25 JAN 1637/1638 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol.1, ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1637 – 1664, 2.  Francis Gray attended the first Assembly of Freemen. “The Acts of the First Day:…. ffrancis Gray of St maries hundred, carpenter.”

{ You may view a map of the Hundreds of St. Mary’s County of clicking here.” }

12 FEB 1637/1638 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 5, 169. Francis Gray was on Grand Jury of 24 freemen including Thomas Baldridge, Nathaniel Pope, Robert Vaughan, etc. for an inquest into William Claiborne’s attack upon Capt. Thomas Cornwaleys in his pinace {small ship} which shot and killed Cornwaleys’ apprentice, William Ashmore.

7 AUG 1638 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1637 – 1650, 40. “Tho. Copley Esq by his Attorny Cypria Throughgood complaineth agst John norton in an action of covenant for….the said John norton did on some day in July last covenant wth francis Gray on the behalfe of the said Tho. Copley to deliver unto him upon demand 1000 foote of sawen {sawn} boards upon a price then agreed upon betweene them….the said John norton hath refused and still doth refuse to performe the said agreement on his part;….to the damage of two thousand weight of tobacco to the said Tho. Copley.”

26 NOV 1638 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1637 – 1650, 51. Gray obtained a license to marry Alice Moreman who was brought to Maryland in 1637 on a ship by Captain Thomas Cornwaleys. “This day came ffrancis Gray, Carpenter, and made Oath that he is not precontracted to any other woman than Alice Moreman &c ut Supra. ffrancis Graye Whereupon a Certificate was made.”

19 FEB 1638/1639 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 1, ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1637 – 1664,29 and 32. “This day came Thomas Gerard, Nathaniel Pope, Thomas Baldridge….Francis Gray…..James Baldridge…..John Hillierd…..{etc.} Freemen of St. Marys hundred and chose for their Burgesses of that hundred Thomas Gerard and Francis Gray and have Given unto the said Thomas Gerard and Francis Gray full and free Power for the Freemen of the said hundred…..”

21 MAR 1639 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1637 – 1650, 108. The Inventory of Richard Lee, gent deceased, payment:  “….to ffrancis Gray for making two coffins for him & his wife for mr Lee’s buriall &c.”

23 JUL 1641 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 1, ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1637 – 1664, 104.  A certificate from St George’s Hundred dated reads: “This is to Certify your worships that with the Consent of the hundred we have made choice of Geo Pye in Francis Gray’s place.”

5 SEP 1642 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 1, ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1637 – 1664, 167 and 173. The Governor gave public notice: “Whereas I have appointed to hold a General Assembly at Saint Marys on monday the 5th of September next to consult and advise of matters much importing the Safety of the Colony at this present, these are therefore to give publick notice thereof to all Persons whom it may concern and to require all freemen inhabiting within the Province to be at the said Assembly…..{and on page 173 is recorded} Francis Gray appeared by his Proxie Thos Sterman.”

1 FEB 1643/44 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1637 – 1650, 238. Governor Brent held four different Inquests against Ingle and each of them replied “Ignoramus” (insufficient evidence). Gray was on the second panel on 1 Feb 1643/44 which included these men:  “Cutbert ffenwick, walter Beane, John nevill, John medley, ffrancis Gray, Rich. nevett, barnaby Jackson, Peter draper, Joseph Edlo, John Langford, Arthur Hay, Gerard fford”

3 FEB 1643/44 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1637 – 1650, 241. And the third Inquest on 3 Feb: “Robt vaughan, foreman; francis Gray, thomas hebden, John Price, George Binx John wavill, thomas Sterman {Sturman}, Tho. Greene, gent; robt perry, nathaniel Pope, arthur whale, John ormsby”

5 FEB 1643/44 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1637 – 1650, 245. The sheriff assembled a fourth Inquest panel for 5 Feb, again including Gray: “Tho. Greene, tho. Sterman {Sturman}, thomas bushell, thomas hebden, nathan. Pope, Joseph Edlo, Ellis beach, franc Gray, John Price, tho. baidridge, henry bishop, nicolas Cossin”

18 JAN 1646/1647  ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 3, Liber B, PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL 1636 – 1667, 175 – 176. The Province’s Attorney, John Lewger, presented charges to the Council of Maryland against Thomas Sturman, John Sturman, ffrancis Gray, John Hamton, Robert Smith, Tho. Yewell charging them with:

“1….that since they were lately pardoned bye two several pardons one after another of the Crimes of Rebellion & Sedition, they the said delinquents…..secretly fled out of the Province by night & made resort and assembled themselves together at the house of one John Mottram, and with others of Checkacoan notorious enemies to the Lord Proprietary and his governmt here established and on the thirteenth, ffourteenth, ffifteenth and Sixteenth days of this Instant Month of January, Some one or more of them, have at the place, and with the enemies of the Province aforesaid, used divers Speeches and practises and hatched & Complotted divers Machinations and Conspiraces agt the person of Leonard Calvert Esq now Govr of the Province and for the entring into the Province by force as enemies and robbers to destroy the Inhabitants and the Cattle, and to burn & fire the Country afore them….”  etc, etc, etc,

18 JAN 1646/1647  ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 3, Liber B, PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL 1636 – 1667, 176. Later the same day the Council examined Edward Thomson of Chicacoan:  “This Examinant Saith that being at his house in Chickacoan on Wednsday last, one Sam Tailor – comeing into the house and being ask’t by this Examinant what news abroad – Replyed the Speaker (meaning ffrancis Gray) had Spoke once again, and that they that were the Chief cause of entertaining the present Governor were aimed at and their death vowed (nameing Capt Price and Thornbury and Hebden) but that there was a party that would goe over from this Place (Meaning Chickacoan) Soe Soon as the Governor is gone to Kent or where else they can gett an opportunity to goe over & would fire and burne and destroy all that they can.  By his Lordships Lieutent” {NOTE: Capt John Price was commander of Governor Calvert’s soldiers.}

19 JAN 1646/1647  ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 3, Liber B, PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL 1636 – 1667, 177.  The following day the Council granted a bond to these prisoners: Thomas Sturman, ffrancis Gray, John Hampton, John Sturman and Robert Sedgrave  “….for himself acknowledge themselves to owe unto the Lord Proprietary two thousand wt Tobo {pounds Tobacco} in Case they Shall attempt to goe out of the County of St Maries without acquainting the Govr therewth afore or Shall entertain Secret Comunicacon or intelligence wth John Mott, Thomas Yewell, Thomas Lewis or Robr. Smith or any person comeing from them or any of them, or Shall harbour them or any of them, or Shall know of any of their Comeing into the parts where he lives, and Shall not as Soon as he may give notice thereof to the Governor. {signed} Mark of T – Thos Sturman, ffrancis Graye, John Hampton, Rob. Sedgrave, John Sturman.  By his Lordps Lieutent of Maryland”

17 APR 1647 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 4, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1637 – 1650, 334.  Francis Gray sold all his cattle in April 1647: “This wittnesseth that I ffrancis Gray ffor and in Consideration of one thousand pounds Wt of good & merchantable leafe tobb {tobacco} and two Sowes – the Tobbaco to be payd at the next Cropp and the Sowes already deliverd – doe bargaine sell and make over all the right and title of all Cattle whatsoever I have in Maryland of my marke unto Mr John Hampton and doe likewise vouch the sale of them against all person or persons what soeuer, as shall lay claime unto them Wittness my hand this 17th day of Aprill 1647. Signature of ffrancis Graye”

4 FEB 1649/1650 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 10, Liber B, BUSINESS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1649 – 1650, 96. “Mary Clocker demandeth of ffrancis Gray 1000 lbs tobacco being the value of a Cow of the plaintiff’s killed by the Said ffrancis at St Maries about Septemb 1646 and assumed by him to be paid for.”

4 MAR 1649/1650 ARCHIVES OF MARYLAND: Vol. 10, Liber B, BUSINESS OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT 1649 – 1650, 100.   “Mar: 2 Nicholas Keytin demandeth of ffrancis Gray, both in his own name & as Admr of James Cauther, 200 lbs tobacco casked for the price of a hog of the previously said killed by the defendants to their own use.And in presence of Jo. Piles (Attorney of the Defendant) and pleading for his defence, the Court found for the plaintiff 150 lbs tobacco.”

20 JAN 1648 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DEEDS AND ORDERS, BOOK 1, Index. “….Francis Grey vs  Cuthbert Fenwick…”

20 MAR 1649/1650 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DEEDS AND ORDERS, BOOK 1, 48. “….Francis Gray, John Hiller and John Cole to appraise Robert Sedgrave’s Inventory of goods and chattles…” Recorded 10 January 1650.

7 MAY 1649/1650 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DEEDS AND ORDERS, BOOK 1, 49. “….Francis Gray and Thomas Peake to appraise John Hampton’s, deceased, Inventory of goods and chattles….Recorded on 10 January 1650.”

No Date, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DECORD BOOK 14, 8. “Mr Hollowes Acct of John Hampton’s Estate…The total of the account is 6370 pounds of tobacco. The following items are included:….Item paid to ffrancis Gray which he received by Order of Court 560 {pounds of tobacco}….

1650/51 MARYLAND PATENTS, Vol I, 121. Sold rights to 500 acres of land to Luke Gardiner.

24 MAY 1650 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DEEDS AND ORDERS, BOOK 1, 42. “….due to Francis Gray 300 acres of land by Assignment from Capt Francis Poythers for transport of 6 persons…..”

30 DEC 1651 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DEEDS AND ORDERS, BOOK 1, 70. “Know All Men by these presents that I, Francis Gray, of the County of Northumberland in ye Colony of Virgina for divers good causes and considerations and in the true and ardent love I beare unto Alice Gray, my loving wife, have given & and do by these presents freely give and grant unto the said Alice Gray one browne cow…..and a browne calfe….with their increase: To have and to hold the said Cow & Calfe with their increase to her and her heires forever. Wit: John Rosier Recorded 30 December 1651”

20 SEP 1652 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDER BOOK 2 (1652 – 1665), 5. “Whereas Mr. John Hollowes did inform the Court that Francis Gray hath in his possession a Heifer & her increase of the Estate of John Hampton, deceased. The Court doth therefore order that if Francis Gray doe not make it appeare by the next Court that John Hampton gave the saide Heifer in his life time to the Sone of Francis Gray & that the said Gray was possessed of the Heifer in the life time of the saide Hampton that then Mr Hollowes shall take the saide Heifer with her increase into his possession as Administrator of John Hampton, deceased.” {See the deposition of Thomas Baker immediately below, 25 November 1652}

25 NOV 1652 WESTMORELAND COUNTY RECORD BOOK 14, 12. “The deposition of Thomas Baker aged 26 or thereabouts being sworn, saith That being by accident at francis Graye’s – there being ffrancis Gray and Mr {John} Hampton – and heareing Mr. Hampton say to Francis Gray, I have lived with you a long time, you never gave me anything. What will you give? ffrancis Gray replying, I will give you a heifer calfe. Mr Hampton giveing him thanks, saying soe freely as you give it me, I will give it to your sone, Joshua. ffurther the Depont saith he was coming at another time….to ffrancis Grays house….heareing Mr. Hampton say this is the Calfe that I gave to my Godson, Joshua. ffurther saith not. Sworne before me, Tho. Baldridge. Recorded 25 November 1652.”

25 NOV 1652 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDER BOOK 2 (1652 – 1665), 9. “Whereas it doth appear unto the Court that ffrancis Gray, Richard Clare, Mr. John Hallowes, Mr. Charles Ashton, Wm ffreake and Herbert Smith have each one of them killed a wolfe. The Court doth therefore order that every one of them shall have one hundred pounds of Tobacco paid them by the Collector in their sevarall limitts for the levy of this year.”

25 NOV 1652 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDER BOOK 2 (1652 – 1665), 14. “The Court doth order that ffrancis Gray shallbe Guardian to Wm Buteler till he be of age and to keepe the cattle and their increase that shall belong unto him till he shall be one and twenty years of age. The said Gray putting in security for the same and giving in an Account of the female increase according to Act of Assembly in that case provided.”

Also this date and page, Gray was on a Jury with Hugh Lee, George Mason.

{ 25 NOV 1652 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDER BOOK 2 (1652 – 1665), 15. “Whereas divers of the Inhabitants of this County doe imploy Indians with guns and power and shott very frequently and usually to the great danger of a Massacre, The Court doth think fitt to declare….that if any person….deliver either gun power or shott to any Indian….shall be proceeded {against} with all according to Act of Assembly in that case provided. And that….persons that have any guns out amongst the Indians shall get them in with all convenient speede….” }

24 AUG 165_ {?1653} WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 24. Gervase Dodson sells John Jenkins and Gervase Bell, 200 acres above the Upper Mushaticks {Machodoc} River. Adjacent Potomecke river….Wit: Fran. Gray, Andrew Monroe (his mark). Ack and rec 21 August 1654.

2o SEP 1653 WESTMORELAND COUNTY RECORD BOOK 14, 35. “An Inventory of John Cook’s Estate. Totals 9619 pounds of tobacco. Includes the following items:….one Bill of ffrancis Grayes – 300 (pounds of tobacco). Inventory signed: Alexander Baynham, Hercules Bridges. Recorded 20 Sept. 1653.”

28 MAR1654 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 25. “Inventory of Mr. John Sampson’s estate. Includes: etc, etc. Inventory totals 4555 pounds of tobacco. Signed: Fran. Gray, John Jenkins, Nath. Jones (his mark). Rec. 21 August 1654.”

9 SEP 1654 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 28. Francis Gray submits account of Wm. Butler’s cattle.

10 MAR1655/1656 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 55. Francis Gray records mark for hogs and cattle.

16 JUL 1654 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, LAND OFFICE PATENTS, 264. “1000 acres on the South side of the Potomeck River. 675 acres on the head of Rosyers Creek, running Northeast to the Round Hill, abutting land of Thomas Bowyer & Mr. John Hiller; 250 acres Northeast upon said River & Southeast upon said Creek; 75 acres Easterly upon Said 250 acres, Westerly upon said 675 acres & Southerly upon said Creek. For the transportation of twenty person: {including}….George Rush…” { This is a map (image) of early Westmoreland patents which shows Gray’s patents 0f 1654 (re-patented in 1662) and 1664 at the Round Hills; the Upper Church at Round Hills where he was a Vestryman; and the Mills of Monroe and Washington. On 20 November 1658, Gray gave 100 acres at the Round Hills to William Rush {II} who married Gray’s daughter, Anne. See 20 November 1658 below.}

31 MAR 1657 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 72. Francis Gray sells Vincent young two cows. Signed: Francis Gray. Wit: Edmund Brent, Rich Browne. Ack and Rec 31 March 1657.

20 APR 1657 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 74. David Phillipps assigns John Lancelott land “of this within menconed {mentioned} Pattent”. 20 April 1657. Signed: David Phillipps. Wit: Francis Gray, Vincent Young. Ack and Rec 20 April 1657. {Note in the margin states the patent is entered Folio 62 being Lancelott’s patent.}

15 OCT 1657 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 85. A Codicill to be annexed to the Thomas Boys Will. An account of the debts I, Thomas Boys, either stand indebted or hath due unto me…due to Francis Gray Debtor to me in Tobacco 500 pounds and a barrell of Corne….due to me from Francis Gray 5 hheads {hogsheads of tobacco}….

3 FEB 1657/1658 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 94. Richard Cole gives Jane, the daughter of Henry Brookes, a heifer. 28th January 1657/1658. Wit: Fran. Gray, Thomas Wilsford. Recoreded 3 February 1657/1658.

20 AUG 1658 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 111a – 112. “Francis Gray atturney for John Wood doe assigne over all the right that Wood hath to this pattent of land unto Mr. Wm. Thomas….”

20 NOV 1658 WILLS AND DEEDS, page 118 – 119. Francis Gray of Appomattox Parish, Westmoreland County unto William Rush {II} for many and sundry considerations me thereunto moving as well as the tender affections I bear unto my daughter, Anne, have and do by these presents freely give, make over and bestow upon and unto William Rush, husband unto my said daughter, a tract of land containing 100 acres, being part of a tract owned by me….being at a place commonly called the Round Hills, nigh unto Machodick (Machodoc ) River….lines of Jno. Hillier, deceased. Signed: Francis Gray Witt: Daniell White, David Phillips, Will Horton. 20 Nov 1658 Ack’d. & Recorded.

22 FEB 1658/1659 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 126 – 126a. “The List for the Disposall of the Levies Collected for the County of Westmoreland Anno 1658.

To Mr. White which was paid the last yeere out of the minister’s tobacco for goeing to Jamestowne to bee allowed to Thomas Willsford and Francis Grey the two collectors…..630 { pounds of tobacco }”

11 MAY 1659 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS (1653 – 1659), 138. “Francis Grey unto the children of Robert Wyard and Elinor his wife, being five in number, one sonn and daughters. One heiffer marked with a crop on the left eare and one slit on the right eare. If the heiffer doe bring a {bull} calfe to take it for myself and restore a cow calfe in roome of it for the good of the children. They shall receive their share, the sonn at twentie one y{eeres} of age and the daughters upon the day of marriage……”

14 MAY 1660 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS, 1 (1661 – 1662), 8a – 10a. “Mr. Nathaniel Pope. Inventory. Total valuation £ 395 …..Debts by bill (due from)…..{18 men including}….Francis Grey….” Signed by John Dodman, Willm. Peirce, Augustine Hull

17 MAY 1660 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS, Section 1 (1661 – 1662), 11a – 12a. “Mr. Hiller, Estate Account. Payments made to….{27 men including}…. Mr. Grey….Debts due from….{11 men including} Francis Grey….” Signed by John Rosier.

4 FEB 1660/1661 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS, 1 (1661 – 1662), 32 – 32a.

“John Lancelott of Westmoreland County doe make my loving father-in-law Francis Gray my atturney to acknowledge a bill of sale of 50 acres bearing date of 1 February unto Capt. Thomas Allen. Wit: John Lord {sheriff}, Thomas Wilsford. 14 February recorded.”

“1 Feb 1660/1661 John Lancelott of Westmoreland County, planter, to Capt. Thomas Allen. For a valuable consideration, 50 acres being part of my plantation whereon I am not seated, granted me by pattentt 29 Oct 1651, being the eastward part of my necke, bounding upon the Patomak River. Wit: Francis Graye, Thomas Wilsford”

“1 Feb 1660/1661 Mary the wife of John Lancelott do relinguish all my right of the land solde by my husband John Lancelott unto Capt Thomas Allen. Wit: William Hardich, John Giles.        14 Feb 1660/1661 Acknowledged by Mary Lancelott.”

“14 Feb 1660/1661 Acknowledged by Francis Gray attorney of Lancelott unto John Lord attorney of Capt. Allen.”

26 JUN 1661 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS, 1 (1661 – 1662), 42a – 43. “An appraysment of the Estate of Mr. Jno. Rossier. 18 April 1661. Total valuation £ 79 including two servants (unnamed). Francis Graye, Andrew Munrow, Richard Robinson. Sworn to by Mrs. Elizabeth Shute, relict and administratrix of Mr. Jno. Rosseir.”

3 JUL 1661 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS, 1 (1661 – 1662), 46a. Francis Gray took the oath to become a founding Vestrymen of Appomattocks Parish, Westmoreland County, along with the ancestors of two future U.S. Presidents: Andrew Monroe and John Washington. In May 1664, Appomattocks Parish was re-named Washington Parish in honor of this John Washington.

“Wee whose names are here underwritten were made Choice of as vestrymen by ye parish of Appomattocks & have taken ye oath of Alegiance & Supremacie & doe subscribe ye folloowing words: as I doe Acknowledge myself a true sonn of ye Church of Engld. soe I doe believe ye Articles of faith there professed & oblige my self to be comformable to ye Doctrine & Discipline there taught & established dated this 3rd of Jul 1661. Signed: John Dodson, ffrancis Gray, John Washington, Andrew Monroe, etc.”

5 JAN 1661/1662 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS, WILLS, PATENTS, Section 2 (1661 – 1662), 3. “Francis Grey to Grace Alldy. One black grizled sow with white feete. Acknowledged 4 February 1661/1662.”

29 JUL 1662 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND WILLS BOOK 1 (1653 – 1671), 302 – 303. “Francis Grey of Northumberland County, planter, to John Bruton of the Collony of Virginia, merchant. For 10,000 pounds of tobacco and three servants, 250 acres in Attopin Creek whereon I am now seated….northeast upon the Potomeck River, southeast upon Rosier’s Creek, northwest upon a line of marked trees,…part of land granted me by pattent, 1000 acres on 16 July 1654….houses and fenceing, gardens and orchard. Francis Grey. Wit: William Northall, Thomas Dutton, Thomas Willsford. 29 July 1662 Alice wife of Francis Grey of Northumberland County relinguish all my right of my thirds. Wit: John Brookes, Simon Thomas.”

FEB 1662/1663 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 6. “Francis Grey stands indebted by bill to John Chock of Bristoll {England} in the sum of 700 pounds of tobacco. It is ordered Grey to pay Chock.”

11 MAR 1662/1663 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 9a. “Francis Grey hath made it appear that Mr. Jno. Brereton stood obliged under his hand with security to deliver to Grey an able man servant at the arivall of the second shipp from Bristoll {England} of which limmetted time Brereton haveing failed, as allsoe faileing to pay Grey’s wife £ 3 Sterling for her relinguishment of her thirds for the land bought by Brereton of Grey, it is ordered Mr. Brereton give Grey forthwith one month’s labour of an able man servant and £ 3 sterling.”

18 MAR 1662/1663 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, LAND OFFICE PATENTS, 330. “Renewal of Patent dated 16 July 1654. 1000 acres on South side of Potomake River. 675 acres on the head of Rosiers Creek, running Northeast to the Round Hill, abutting land of Mr. Tho. Boyer & Mr. John Hiller; 250 acres Northeast upon said River, Southeast upon said Creek; 75 acres Easterly upon Said 250 acres, Westerly upon said 675 acres & Southerly upon said Creek.” { This is a map (image) of early Westmoreland patents which shows Gray’s patents 0f 1654 (re-patented in 1662) and 1664 at the Round Hills, the Upper Church at Round Hills where he was a Vestryman, and the Mills of Monroe and Washington. }

29 APR 1663 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 12a. “Francis Grey doe acknowledge judgment for payment of 1012 pounds of tobacco to John Ryves. Francis Grey.”

24 JUN 1663 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 14. “Francis Grey stands indebted (by bill) unto the estate of Samuell Smith 1475 pounds of tobacco. It is ordered that Grey pay Mr. Robert Slye, administrator of Smith’s estate.”

“Francis Grey stands indebted unto Mr. Robt. Slye of Maryland 373 pounds of tobacco. It is ordered Grey pay Mr. Slye.”

28 OCT 1663 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 17. “The Court doth order that Mrs. Elizabeth Solley the relict, widow and executrix named in the last will and testament of Mr. Thomas Solley shall have a probate…..The Court doth appoint Francis Grey, Mr. John Bruton, John Beard, and Daniel White to make appraisment of Mr. Thomas Solley’s estate.”

24 FEB 1663/1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 22. “Tho. Wilsford was subpenaed as a wittnes for Fran. Gray against Mr. Alexandr. Fleming. Gray shall pay Wilsford 40 pounds of tobacco.”

“John Boococke was subpenaed as a wittness for Fran. Gray against Mr. Alexandr. Fleming and, he not appearing, the Court doth order Tho. Boococke shalbe fined 250 pounds of tobacco.”

“Mr. Alexander Fleming was arrested at the suite of Francis Gray. Gray not proveing his petition shalbe nonsuited.”

27 APR 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 27. Francis Gray was on a jury with 11 other men: “….Wee doe find that Mr. Freake hath killed a boare that has not his own proper marke….”.

27 APR 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 29. “There is due to Francis Gray 200 acres of land for the transportation of these persons following into the Colony: Eliza. Rennolds, Jone Mason, Samuel Flenner, Even Price.”

25 MAY1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 31. Francis Gray was on a jury with 11 other men: “Stephen Norman agt. Jonas Revett. Wee doe find for the plaintiff and give him 600 pounds of tobacco damages.”

31 AUG 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 33. Francis Gray was on a jury with 11 other men: “….We doe finde that Mr. Richard Cole did entertaine Richard Thompson to be his overseer….”

“The Court doth order that Mrs. Elizabeth Baldridge the relict, widow and executrix named in the last will and testament of James Baldridge shall have a probate….John Boococke and Francis Gray ingaged to be bound with the executrix for the performance of the deceased’s will.”

31 AUG 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 34. Francis Gray was on a jury with 11 other men: “It doth appeare unto the Court by the depositions of Wm. Northall and Gerrard Foorde that Daniel White hath beaten the wife of John Tayler. The Court doth order that White shalbe bound to his good behavior towards her and a jury impannelled to find damages. Wee find for the plte. 50 pounds of tobacco damage…..”

31 AUG 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 35. “Francis Gray was subpenaed as a wittness for Gerrard Forde against Michael Phillips. Forde shall pay Gray for one dayes attendance on the Court.”

31 AUG 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 36. “Daniel White took his oath that he oweth unto Francis Gray no more than 310 pounds of tobacco upon account for which he is now sued.”

31 AUG 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 37. “The Court doth appoint Mr. Anthony Bridges, Capt. John Ashton, Francis Gray and Daniel White to make appraisment of the estate in copartnership betweene Mr. John Brueton and Mr. Christopher Withnell.”

16 NOV 1664 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, LAND OFFICE PATENTS, 275. “Francis Grey. 374 acres in Westmoreland County. Bounded Northeast with land of Capt. Jno. Ashton, Wm. Northall, Garrard Foard & his own land. Transportation of 8 persons.”

30 NOV 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 31a. “Francis Gray doth owe unto Simon Thomas 711 pounds of tobacco by bill. Gray shall make payment of the debt.”

30 NOV 1664 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDERS (1662 – 1664), 42a. “Francis Gray doth owe unto Wm. Court 570 pounds of tobacco by account to the truth thereof the Court tooke his oath. Gray shall make payment of the debt unto Court.”

25 JUL 1665 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND WILLS, BOOK 1 (1653 – 1671), 286 – 287. “Francis Grey of Westmoreland County, carpenter, unto Nicholas Saxton of same, carpenter, 150 acres at a place commonly called the Round Hills and is a Trapasia {trapezoid} and part of 1000 acres granted to Francis Gray by Patent 16 Jul 1654….northwest with 100 acres by Gray given unto William Rush {II} now in the tenure of William Brown, northeast with the land of Mr. John Hiller, deceased, now in the tenure of Major John Washington and John Rosier…..Wit: William Horton, Jane Mason, Thomas Dyas.                         15 November 1665 Acknowledged by Francis Grey.”

31 JUL 1667 WESTMORELAND DEEDS AND WILLS 1 (1653 – 1671), pages 312 – 313. Will of Francis Gray dated 7 June 1667. Unto my loving wife, Alice Gray and my son, Francis Gray {Junior} all my moveable estate such as horses, cattle, hogs etc….Unto my son Francis Gray all my land. In case of the failing of issue of Francis Gray then to be equally divided between my daughter, Anne Rush, the wife of William Rush and Ann Lancelott, the daughter of John Lancelott. My loving wife, Alice Gray, Executrix.  Sig: Francis Gray Wit: John Ashton, Mary Gardner. 31 Jul 1667 Proved. {No inventory found by me.}

11 SEP 1669 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 57a – 58a. “Francis Grey {Junior} of Westmoreland County to William Webb of same, planter. For 3000 pounds tobacco. 100 acres formerly belonging to Abraham Jenman {? Gilman}. Francis Gray {Junior}, Sarah (X) Gray. Wit: Edward Dearing, John Bowing.”

“26 JUL 1670 Sarah the wife of Francis Greye empower Wm. Horton my attorney to acknowledge the sale of 140 acres given unto me by Abraham Jenman {? Gilman} and sold by my husband unto William Webb. Sarah (X) Grey. Wit: John Bruton, Richard Collings. 27 July 1670 Recorded.

4 JAN 1669/1670 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 57a. “Will of William Webb of the Countie of Westmoreland, yeoman, being very sick and weake….Unto my sonn William Webb the land that I now live upon as alsoe 100 acres which I have bought of Francis Gray {Junior} which was formerly Abraham Gilman’s {? Jenman} it being joyning to my owne land. Likewise my land which is in the forrest containing 400 acres binding upon the land of John Breuerton. Wit: George Stow, John Sands.

17 SEP 1672 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 241a – 242. “Francis Lewis. Inventory. 5 March 1671/1672. Made by virtue of order 28 February 1671/1672. Total valuation 1395 pounds of tobacco; items taken aside for his children….Henry Cossum, Wm. Rush {II}.       17 September 1672. Appraisers sworn before Jno. Washington.

25 FEB 1672/1673 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 141. “Francis Grey {Junior} appoynt my friend Jno. Bruton my attorney to acknowledge a parcell of land leased by me unto Merridith Price. Francis Grey, Elias Yates. 25 February 1672/1673 Recorded.

16 MAR 1673 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 153a – 154. “Francis Grey {Junior} of Westmoreland County, planter, unto Tho. Butler of same, planter. For 2500 pounds of tobacco. For 99 years paying yearly on Lady Day one twist of tobacco rent for acknowledgement, 125 acres in Washington Parish, the equal part of 250 acres by me sold unto Merridith Price and Tho. Butler. Francis Grey and Sarah my wife will acknowledge the land. Wit: Ant. Bridges, Jno. Franklyn, Edwd. Parker.” 25 June 1673. Acknowledged by Wm. Balthrope attorney of Fra. Grey.”

23 SEP 1673 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 156. Sarah Grey wife of Fra. Grey {Jr.} impower Wm. Loxam to be my attorney to acknowledge my thirds of 250 acres sold by my husband to Merridith Price and Tho. Butler. Wit: Jossua Hudson, Wm. Barton.

4 JUL 1673. Francis Lewis. Estate Account. Payments made to…. Jno. Ashton….Fra. Grey {Junior}….Mr. Jno. Bruton….Cattle belonging to orphants of Fra. Lewis and left on the plantation. Signature: Jno. Ashton. 25 August 1675 Given into Court by Capa. Jno. Ashton, administrator.”

19 NOV 1673 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 173. “Francis Grey (Jr.) complaineth that Danll. White deteines 1000 acres granted unto your petitioner’s father by pattent 16 July 1654. White notwithstanding often forwarned persists still to cleare, fence and build uppon the land. 19 November 1673 Recorded.”

3 JAN 1673/74 WESTMORELAND COUNTY WILLS AND DEEDS BOOK 2, 175a – 176. “William Rush {II} unto Jossua Hudson. For natural love and affection I bear unto my daughter Elizabeth….as also a marriadge contracted and solemnized betweene Jossua Hudson of Upper Machoteck and my said daughter….100 acres. Same 100 acres that Francis Gray, deceased, in consideration of natural affection he bore unto his daughter Anne did give unto William Rush, husband unto Anne….100 acres, part of a tract to him belonging at Round Hill….line of Jno. Hillier,deceased,…by poll deede on 20 Nov 1658…..William (X) Rush. Witt: Francis Gray {Junior}, John Ashton.”

11 MAR 1673/1674 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 224. “Wm. Browne maketh oath that about 9 yeares agoe or thereabouts Capa. Allexander came to sueveigh the land now in difference betweene Fra. Grey {Junior} and and Danll. White and Fra. Grey {Sr.} did demand of Capa. Allexander whether he came to surveigh uppon his account or Danll. White accompt and Capa. Allexander made answer uppon Fra. Grey account and Fra. Grey {Sr.} answered again, then proceed. And then Fra. Grey {Sr.} did declare before all the company that he did owne none land further then they should find marked with a broad axe. Sworn before Robt. Vaulx. 11 March 1673/1674.

23 JUN 1675 WESTMORELAND COUNTY DEEDS AND PATENTS, BOOK 2 (1665 – 1677), 233 – 233a. “Lewis Markham of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, unto Coll. Jno. Washington. For 18,000 pounds of tobacco. 250 acres which I bought of Mr. Jno. Bruton lying in Attopeene {Attopin} Creeke….uppon Patomeck River….the maine woods….first purchased by Jno. Bruton of Fra. Grey Seignior. Lewis Markham. Wit: Wm. Butler, Jno. Rosier, Anthony Bridges.

29 JAN 1690/1691 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDER BOOK (1690 – 1698), Part 1, 7a. “Thomas Sharp vs. Tho. Kitchen as marrieing the executrix of Francis Gray {Junior}. Referred for Kitchen to return an inventory of Gray’s estate.”

29 JUL1691 WESTMORELAND COUNTY ORDER BOOK (1690 – 1698), Part 1, 34. “Thomas Kitchen who married {Sara} the relict and executrix of Francis Gray {Junior} being summoned to return an inventory, produced an inventory of the estate. Judgment is granted Tho. Sharp as marrieing Eliza., one of the daughters of Francis Gray {Junior}, deceased, against Tho. Kitchen as marrieing with Sara the relict and excutrix, for one full fourth of the estate.”

17 MAY 1697 WESTMORELAND DEEDS AND WILLS, No. 2 (1690 – 1699), 111 – 112a. Anthony Beard of Westmoreland County….to Benjamin Weedon of same. For 1800 pounds of tobacco. Three tracts on the Potomack River in Washington Parish….The other two parcels….50 acres…upon the south side of a marsh on a small point….land late of Francis Gray, deceased, and now in the possession of Capt. Lawrence Washington, deceased…. 1 acre on Potomack…. Wit: William Plott, Rice Williams, Thomas Stint. 25 June 1697 Thomasin Breard came before Lawrence Washington and Wm. Horton, justices, and did acknowledge her consent.

27 APR 1707 WESTMORELAND DEEDS AND WILLS, No. 4 (1707 – 1709), 153 – 155. Nathaniel Gray of Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, to Thomas Butler, James Butler and Eliza. Butler, son and daughter of Thomas Butler, for their natural lives. For 1800 pounds of tobacco. 125 acres in parish aforesaid, being the land formerly leased to Thomas Butler by Francis Gray {Jr.} , the father to Nanthaniel Gray, whereon Thomas is now seated. Wit: Nathl. Pope, Jas. Mason. 27 APR 1707

Mary Gray depute my loving friend Nathl. Pope to be my attorney to acknowledge my thirds of 125 acres sold by my husband Nathaniel Gray to Thomas Butler, James Butler and Elizabeth Butler. Wit: Mereday Price, John Price. NOV 1708 Proved.

Sources of Maryland Court Records for Francis Gray

You may access and search the Archives of Maryland Online by clicking here (link).

Dr. Lois Green Carr, Historian, Historic St. Mary’s City, has placed images of her research index cards online for a number of early settlers. At this link you will find her “St Mary’s City Mens Career File” for Francis Gray:

There are 69 cards in total, many of which I have cited above. I have intentionally omitted from my Chronology court cases for debt because they were so common during the colonial period and because typically case details were not provided in the Clerk of Court’s brief note.

You may access the Archives of Maryland Online by clicking here (link).


NOTE TO READERS: My clarifications in quoted records are within { } . The words in bold normal type face are links to images, maps or word definitions in the Glossary. The Citations and Glossary are available under the Resources tab or here (link) .