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William Nobles against Thomas Milam, Orange County, 23 JUN 1743
Microfilm Image of ORANGE COUNTY ORDER BOOK #3, page 472
“In the suit by Petition brought by Wm Nobles, plaintiff, against Thomas Milam, Defendant, for four pounds, Seven Shillings & Six pence due by Account.The Defendant pleaded he did not assume for tryal of which the parties put themselves upon the Court who having heard all Evidence and Arguments of both parties adjudge that ye said Defendant is indebted to ye said Plaintiff in ye sum of four pounds two Shillings & Six pence. Wherefore its considered by ye Court that the said Plaintiff recover against ye said Defendant the said sum of of four pounds two Shillings & Six pence & Costs together with Seven Shillings & Six pence for an Attorney fee ~”