Uncle Dix and his older brother, Freer Milam ~ 1940

My father, William Freer Milam, started work at the Weirton Steel Company in 1927 and by 1940 was an Operator in the Tin Mill of a five story tin rollong mill so he could afford a nice automobile. Because of the Great Depression, Freer was living at their family home in Steubenville, Ohio, along with his parents and three siblings – his brothers Laken and Dix and his younger sister, Martha. Plus Grandma Milam’s sister, Aunt Georgia, and her brother were also in the house. Freer’s car was the only vehicle available to the entire family so he drove them everywhere including south 200 miles to Charleston, WV, to visit family. Uncle Dix – Claude Egbert Milam Jr – was about 18 years old in this photograph and Freer was about 28 years old. Very handsome men if I may so say.

Uncle Dix and his brother, Freer Milam