Thomas Milam’s Sales Deed to Christopher Dicken, 17 AUG 1760

Microfilm Image of CULPEPER COUNTY DEED BOOK C4A, page 375.

In preparation to move 120 miles from Culpeper County to Bedford County in Virginia, Thomas and Mary Rush Milam sold their 203 acres “whereon the said Mylum now liveth and whereon his Dwelling house now Standeth” on 17 August 1760 to Christopher Dicken for 90 Virginia Pounds. This document is interesting not only because it illustrates Thomas’ usual signing mark “TM ” but also because Mary Rush Milam also signed the document with her mark ” O ” or ” Q “.  This image is a close-up of the bottom of page 375.

Note: the Clerk of Court spelled their name “Mylum” as it was spelled on the original Northern Neck Land Grant (1749).

Image of Thomas Milam Deed to Dicken 17 August 1760