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Thomas Milam’s Land Grant in Culpeper County, 31 January 1749/50
Digital image of Northern Neck, Land Grants, Book G, page 355.
“The Right Honourable Thomas, Lord Fairfax, Baron of Cameron in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia. To all to whom this present Writing shall come sends Greetings….and in Consideration of ye Compensation to me paid And for ye annual Rent hereafter Reserved, I have given, granted and Confirmed…unto Thomas Milum {Milam} of the County of Culpepper a certain Tract of waste and ungranted Land in the said County lying on the Robinson River and Bounded as by a survey thereof made by Mr. George Hume as followeth…{same as the survey}….containing Two Hundred and three Acres Together with all Rights, Members and appurtenances thereunto belonging, Royal Mines excepted. And a full third of all Lead, Copper, Tinn, Coals, Iron Mines and Iron Ore that shall be found thereon….Yearly and every Year on the Feast Day of St Michael, the Archangle, Fee Rent of One Shilling Sterling Money for Every Fifty Acres of Land hereby granted….Dated this Thirty First day of January in the twenty third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland. King, Defender of the Faith. One Thousand Seven Hundrend and Forty nine.
Thomas Mylum’s Deed for 203 acres of land in Culpeper County.
Fairfax {Lord Fairfax’s signature}” [307]