Thomas Milam’s Assignment of Land Warrant to John Green, Culpeper County, 26 AUG 1760

Microfilm Image of Northern Neck Warrants and Surveys, Culpeper County

This John Green became Colonel in the 10th Virginia Volunteers and lead the Virginia 4th Regiment at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. He was a military leader throughout the Revolution. Green County, Virginia, was later named for him and his father, Robert Green, a member of the Virginia House of Burgess (1736), a Court Justice and Vestryman.

Note Thomas Milam’s usual mark, “TM” and Benjamin Millam’s signature at the bottom left. Thus far Benjamin’s signature is the earliest example of a Milam writing his own name in Virginia. He spelled his last MILLAM. I Believe that Sarah “Killy” is a Daughter of John Kelly, a brother-in-law of Thomas Milam. George Row was the third witness.

Image Thomas Milam Warrant 26 August 1760