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Thomas Milam Ordered to Appear at Court, 26 March 1762
Digital Image of BEDFORD COUNTY LOOSE PAPERS, Judgments 1762
“George the Third, by the Grace of God, of great britain, france and Ireland, King Defender of the faith, etc.”
“To the Sheriff of Bedford County. Greeting, we Command you that You take Thomas Milum______ if he be found in Your Bailiwic and him safely Keep so that you have his Body before the Justices of our said County Court at the Courthouse on the fourth Tuesday in April {written over March} next to answer Rich Callaway of a Plea of Debt of £ 80 amount______and have then there this writ. Witness Benjamin Howard Clerk of our said County….this 26th day of March {written over February} in the second Year of our Reign”