Photos of Claude Egbert Milam Sr (5 May 1886 – 16 Oct 1961)

NOTE: In 2015, and again in 2018, the grandchildren of Claude and Girtha Milam exchanged many emails sharing their memories of them and the family get togethers in their home. You may read their exchange of familiy memories by clicking here (link) .

Pictured below is Colonel Leftridge’s family circa 1903 with eldest son, Ben, standing at left, and standing to his right, Rosa Pearl and Oscar Vernon. Seated are Colonel Leftridge, Claude Egbert and Colonel Leftridge’s wife, Martha Mairs Milam. Then seated on a bench in front of the Colonel is Marvin Carter on left and an unknown girl on right. Note: Daughter, Rosa Pearl, is standing on a bench behind the sofa.

Colonel Leftridge Milam Family circa 1903

Claude sitting with Bible in hand on the sofa next to his father, Colonel Leftridge Milam. Circa 1903

Claude Milam circa 1903

Claude’s political ad for Kanawha County Commissioner. 27 JUN 1926

Charleston Gazette, 27 JUN 1926
Claude Milam Ad for County Comissioner

W. T. Moore vs Claude E. Milam for County Commissioner is too close to call. 4 AUG 1926

Unfortunately Claude Milam would narrowly lose to Moore.

Charleston Daily Mail Election Results, 4 AUG 1926.
Election Results 4 August 1926

Claude Milam and his dog, Tippy, outside their rental house at 33 Center Street, Weirton, West Virginia circa 1945.

Claude and Tippy
Claudue and his dog, Tippy

Claude Milam and Tippy, outside in 1950s. Note the famous morning glories which climbed the sides of their front porch on the right! He took them down along with the string each Fall and put the string up again for them to climb in the Spring.

Claude’s future wife, Girtha Jane Fisher, lower right, is shown with her sister, Georgia and cousins.

Girtha Jane Fisher (bottom right)with her sister, Georgia and Cousins
Girtha Fisher and Sisters
Claude and Tippy
Claudue Milam and dog Tippy

This portrait of Claude E Milam Sr was taken around 1950.

Claude E Milam circa 1950
Portrait of Claude E Milam Sr

Claude Milam with his grandson, Bob Milam, and granddaughter, Donna Lee Milam, before their front porch on Center Street in Weirton. This was how Claude dressed in the winter: his hat, woolen shirt and woolen plaid jacket when he was working in the yard, shoveling snow or walking Tippy. Bob is the son of Freer Milam and Donna Lee is the daughter of Lakin Milam. Circa 1952

Claude, Bob and Donna Lee
Claude and Grandson Bob

Circa 1953, their eldest son, Freer, in his 1950 Chevrolet, Claude standing next to him then Girtha taken in front of Claude’s house on Center Street. This is the best photo of Tippy which Grandpa said was part Chow. Not infrequently Claude appeared depressed. Many thought it was the aftermath of their bankruptsy in 1927.

My father, Freer, Grandpa Claude and Grandma Girtha
Son Freer, Claude and Girtha

Claude’s brother, Uncle Vernon came north to visit from their home near Sissonville, WV. Freer and Christine entertained them. From the left: Claude, his sister Aunt Minnie, brother Vernon then his wife, Aunt Bessie, and Grandma Girtha Jane Fisher Milam. 1955

Grandpa Claude on left and Grandma Girtha on right.
Claude and his brother Vernon

My Grandfather Claude, Uncle Dix and my father, Freer, in the backyard of Freer’s home in Wintersville, Ohio. Freer had his usual summer tan from working in his large garden. 1961

Grandpa Claude, Uncle Dix and my father, Freer
Claude, Uncle Dix and Freer

Claude and Girtha’s 50th Wedding Anniversary in August 1961. Seated in front are Girtha and Claude looking very pleased as Uncle Lakin spoke to them. Standing from the left are Uncle Lakin’s wife, Aunt Clara, Uncle Dix’s wife, Aunt Helen, Freer’s wife, Christine, and Aunt Martha’s husband, Butch Singleton. This photo was taken only two months before Granddad Claude Milam died of leukemia at the age of 75.

Grandpa Claude and Grandma Girtha’s 50th Wedding Anniversary.
50th Wedding Anniversary