Moses Milam Purchase Deed from James Ward 29 MAR 1784

Degital Image of BEDFORD COUNTY DEED BOOK 7, page 316.

“This Indenture made the twenty ninth day of March 1784 Between James Ward of the County of Botetourt of the one part and Moses Milam of the County of Bedford, State of Virginia, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said James Ward in Consideration of the sum of Forty Pounds to him in hand paid, Doth bargain and sell to the Said Moses Milam and his Heirs One Certain Tract or parcel of Land in the County of Bedford on the West sides of the Northfork of the Otter River joining the lands of Alexander Bain commonly called the Mill Tract containing two hundred acres…and bounded as follows…Beginning at a…pine on William Boyd’s {Junior} line…..Together with all the Appurtenances To have an to Hold…

Signed sealed and delivered,,, James Ward

In the presence of: Thomas Logwood, Solomon Tracy, Henry Jeter

At a Court held for Bedford 26th April 1784  Test: James Strptoe”

Moses Milam Purchase Deed 29 MAR 1784