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Moses Milam Purchase Deed from Charles McGlocklin 10 FEB 1781
Degital Image of BEDFORD COUNTY DEED BOOK 7, page 74.
“This Indenture made the tenth day of February 1781 Between Charles McGlocklin Junior of the one part and Moses Milam of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Charles McGlocklin for and in Consideration of the sum of Sixty Pounds to him in hand paid, the Receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge, Hath Bargained, sold and by these presents Doth Bargain, Sell and Confirm unto the said Moses Milam…One Certain parcel or Tract of Land lying and being in the County of Bedford on both sides of the Northfork of the Otter River beginning at a Small white oak thence….thence Joining Moses and Benjamin Milams and Bains Mill Tract….to the First Station Together with all and Singular the Priviledges and Appurtenances their unto Belonging…the said Charles McGlocklin has hereby set his Hand & Seal the date and year first above written. Signed: Charles McGlocklin Jr
Wittneses: James Buford, William Boyd {Jr.}, Elijah Williams