Moses Milam Deed to Josiah Bondurant 19 Apr 1788

Degital Image of BEDFORD COUNTY DEED BOOK 8, pages 131 – 132

Moses and Elizabeth Milam sold to Josiah Burdurant “One Tract of land lying on the Waters of Otter and part of the said tract the said Milam purchased of James Ward containing 207 acres…Beginning on the south side of Boyles Branch on William Boyd’s old line….to Boyles White Oak Corner…Witness whereof they hath here unto set here unto their hands and seals the day and year above written: Moses Milam, Elizabeth X Milam

Witnesses: John Bondurant, William Boid { Jr }, James Buford

At a Court held for Bedford County the 27th Day of October 1788″

Moses Milam Deed to Josiah Bondurant April 1788