Moses Milam Deed to Elizabeth Milam 23 OCT 1786

Degital Image of BEDFORD COUNTY DEED BOOK 7, page 658

“This Indenture Made this twenty third day of October in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and eighty six, Between Moses Milam of Bedford County of the one part, and Elizabeth Milam (Relic of late Benjamin Milam, Deceased) of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Moses Milam for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty one pounds Currant {Money of Virginia} to him in hand paid by the above Benjamin Milam before his decease, the receipt whereof the said Moses Milam doth hereby confess and acknowledge, Had bargained and sold to the said Milam, deceased, and doth by these presents grant and Convey to the said Elizabeth Milam during her Natural Life, and after her decease to revert to the Heir at Law of the said Benjamin Milam deceased a Certain Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Bedford upon the waters of the Otter River and bounded as follows, to wit, Beginning at a point of Rocks on the North side of Boyles Branch…to a Pine in Boyd’s line, thence along the said Line…to Boyd’s Corner Pine….Containing One Hundred and twenty acres…Together with every Appurtenance there unto belonging to the said Elizabeth Milam and unto the Heir at Law of the said Benjamin Milam, deceased….

Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presents of ~ Moses Milam.

At a Court held for Bedford County the 23rd day of October 1786. This Indenture along with the Memorandum of Livery and Seizon thereon endorsed were Acknowledged by Moses Milam party thereto and Ordered to be Recorded ~~ Teste, James Steptoe, CBC

Image Moses Milam Deed to Elizabeth Milam 23 OCT 1786