Martha Elizabeth Milam (19 OCT 1924 – 16 FEB 2009)

Aunt Martha was the forth child of Claude E. Milam Sr and Girtha Jane Fisher Milam. These are the few pictures of Martha Milam which I been able to acquire.

Earliest photo that I have found of Aunt Martha. ~ 1941 – 1942

Martha Milam.                                
Aunt Marthat at about age 18.

Aunt Martha visiting Grandfather Claude Milam and Freer’s wife, Christine, on Euclid Avenue, Steubenville. And with Helen. 1943

Martha with Freer’s first son, Billy.                                                     Helen with Dix’s sister, Martha.
Martha with Billy Summer 1942 Hen with Dix's sister Martha

Girtha Jane Fisher Milam on the left with her daughter, Martha in the middle, then Girtha’s sister, Georgia. Aunt Martha is more than a little pregnant in this photo so it must have been taken in 1945 when her first child, John Thomas Singleton III, was born.

Girtha, daughter Martha and sister, Georgia
Girtha, daughter Marthat and sister Georgia

Claude (L), Freer, Dix, Girtha, Martha and Helen in Freer’s Backyard. 1961

Freer and Parents 1961

This photo was taken after Uncle Lakin’s funeral in 1979. From left to right:

Lakin’s wife Aunt Clara, Dix, Martha, Freer, Christine and Helen, Dix’s wife.

Dix and Siblings at Lakins Funeral 1979

Martha (L), with brother Freer and his wife, Christine. 1979

Freer and Crhistine with Martha.