John Milam, William Milam, Joseph Jackson and William Fowler to Maintain New Road to Poteat’s Gap, 25 May 1772

Microfilm Image of BEDFORD COUNTY ORDER BOOK 4, page 30.

“Report of the review of a Road from above….Francis Holley’s to Poteat’s Gap returned and established and that the new road therein mentioned be also established and the former road be kept open. The hands of Richard Callaway, Charles Gwatkins, Chesley Woodward, Nathaniel Nance, John Milam, William Wilson, Garret Jackson, James Wilson, William Milam, Martin King, William Fowler, John Hardwick, John Hampton, James Taylor and Joseph Jackson are to attend the service of the said new Road and assist in the clearing and keeping the same in good repair.” [498]

John Milam & William to Work on Poteats Road