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John Kelly Deed to John McKenzie 23 MAY 1768
Microfilm Image of CULPEPER COUNTY DEED BOOK E, pages 569 & 570.
“Know all men by these Presents that I, John Kelly, for and on Consideration of John McKenzie being my Security to Lenox & Scott and Company for a large Debt which will appear by our Joint Bond, given this day in order to Prevent McKenzie from being a sufferer by me. I do hereby acknowledge and by these Presents do bargain and sell unto the said John McKenzie a Straw Berry roane horse about 4 feet high, Two feather Beds, nine head of Hoggs, a man’s hatt and a Lease of land I hold from under Nicholas Davis in Bedford County on the mouth of Battery Creek, with every other thing I now Possess or may hereafter Possess and all Crops that I make till the Debt is discharged….In Witness Whereof I have Hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of May 1768. Signed: John Kelly
In the presence of Edward Stevens, James Wilson
Teste: Roger Dixon, CC”