George Ray Miller (3 OCT 1923 – 24 NOV 1999)

Uncle Ray was the third child born to Wayne Miller and Icie Cunningham Miller.

Only a handful of pictures of Uncle Ray have come down to us.

Photo of Ray Miller after WW II in the late 1940s. Dressed for work.

He was a sales representative for Planters Peanuts Company.

Ray Miller
George Ray Miller late 1940s

Ray Miller, US Army, World War II. Photo labled “Black Forest”, Germany.

This location means that Uncle Ray was in the US 7th Army which eliminated the “Colmar Pocket” in France in February 1945 then crossed the Rhine River in March to enter the Schwarzwald, or Black Forest, region of Germany.

Ray Miller World War II
Ray Miller Black Forest Germany

Ray Miller was a Technician Fifth Grade since his arm rank has two stripes with a “T” below them.

Ray would have been addressed “Corporal” or “Tech Corporal”.

Above his rank is the US 7th Army insignia on his shoulder. On the lower left sleeve Ray has two Overseas Service Bars meaning he had completed one year of overseas duty – one bar for each 6 month period.

Tech Corporal Ray Miller
Ray Miller 1

The shoulder and upper arm insignia Uncle Ray wore during World War II.

US 7th Army Shoulder Insignia                                                     Technician 5th Grade Insignia
US 7th Army insignia Technician 5th Class insignia

Two Overseas Service Bars meant completion of one year of overseas duty – one bar for each 6 month period.

Overseas Service Bars
US Army Overseas Service Stripes

Corporal Ray Miller in Germany perhaps taken by the same building as above.

Corporal Ray Miller
Corporal Ray Miller in Germany

Tech Corporal Ray Miller.

Corporal Ray Miller
Corporal Ray Miller in Germany