Delbert Vestis Miller (29 DEC 1929 – 23 FEB 1995)

Uncle Deb was the forth child born to Wayne Miller and Icie Cunningham Miller.

Less than a handful of pictures of Uncle Deb have come down to us.

Photo of Delbert “Deb” Miller

Deb Miller
Delbert Vestis Miller

Delbert Miller, US Army, Korean War around the 38th Parallel 1951 – 1953

Deb Miller Korean War
Debert Miller US Army Korea

Delbert Miller, US Army, Korean War

Delbert Miller
Delbert Miller Korean War

Uncle”Deb” Miller on front porch reading the newspaper. Mid 1950s.

Deb Miller reading the news.
Delbert Miller on Front Porch reading Newspaper

Aunt Lois Miller holding baby Cliff Miller, her brother Delbert’s son. Summer 1954.

Cliff Miller was born on 24 JUL 1954.

Aunt Lois and baby Cliff Miller
Lois Miller holding baby Cliff Miller