Colonel Leftridge Milam (26 AUG 1840 – 6 APR 1908)

Colonel Leftridge Milam was the second son of Benjamin Rush Milam who was born on 26 AUG 1840. His first wife, Catherine Elizabeth Vandyne, died on 3 MAY 1865. This is a photograph of Leftridge Milam with his second wife, Martha Ann Mairs, daughter of Dr. William Mairs and Martha Aultz.

Colonel Leftridge Milam and Martha Ann Mairs Milam
Leftridge and Martha Milam

Pictured below is Colonel Leftridge’s family circa 1903. Standing: eldest son, Ben, at left, Rosa Pearl and Oscar Vernon on right. Seated are Colonel Leftridge, Claude Egbert and Colonel Leftridge’s wife, Martha Mairs Milam. Then seated on a bench in front of the Colonel is Marvin Carter on left and an unknown girl on right. (Daughter, Rosa Pearl, is standing on a bench behind the sofa.)

Colonel Leftridge Milam Family circa 1903

This photo was published in the book, Sissonville History (1965), which gave the names of each family member. They are posed by the side of a house which is pictured immediately below.

Photo of Colonel Leftridge Milam Family
Leftridge Family Photo

The photo shows the same family members on the front porch and balcony of an imposing house. Although initially built by Colonel Leftridge Milam, it was inherited by his eldest son, Benjamin, and was referred to as the “Benjamin Milam’s House” in the Sissonville History. Indeed my father, Freer Milam, would point to the “Ben Milam’s House” as we drove by in the 1950s. It appears that son, Claude, Colonel Leftridge, son Cart and Cora Lee are on the porch. And eldest son Ben, Minnie, son Vernon and Pearl are on balcony.

A Milam Family Home
Milam Family Home