Claude Egbert Milam Jr (1923 – 1997) – “Uncle Dix”

Uncle Dix was the forth child of Claude E. Milam Sr and Girtha Jane Fisher Milam. These are the pictures of Uncle Dix which I have been able to acquire.

Freer and his younger brother, Dix, when he was 17 years old. 1940

Picture was labeled 1940.
Freer and brother, Dix 1940

Dix voluntarily entered the U. S. Army on 12 FEB 1943 & was sent to Camp McCain in Mississippi.

Nineteen Year Old Dix, not yet twenty.
Dix Milam Portrait 1943

Private C. E. Milam at Pennsylvania Military College in Chester, PA. 1943 – 1944.
Notice the whistle at his left front pocket. He was Cadet Battalion Commander.

Notice the whistle at his left front pocket. He was Cadet Battalion Commander.
Dix at Pennsylvania Military Academy

Helen Hines and Dix with a black car. 1943

Helen and Dix in front of unknown house.                                                     Dix standing beside probably the same car.
Dix and Helen with black car Dix by black car

Helen Hines standing by a tree near her home. 1943

Helen Hines 1943 – 1944
Helen standing by a tree

Dix and Helen Hines. 1943

Dix clowning for the camera.                                                     Helen posed with the same balck car.
Dix Yawning Helen sitting on car

Helen Hines visiting Grandfather Claude Milam and Freer’s wife, Christine, on Euclid Avenue, Steubenville.
On left, Helen with Freer and Christine’s son, Billy. Helen and Aunt Martha, Dix’s sister, on right. 1943

Helen with Freer’s first son, Billy.                                                     Helen with Dix’s sister, Martha.
Helen with Billy 1943 Hen with Dix's sister Martha

Dix with Uncle Lakin’s second child, Linda. 1944, before he left for Ft Bragg, NC.

Dix with Linda. Shaddow of Helen Hines. 1944.
Dix with baby, Linda, 1944

Uncle Dix with their 155 mm Howitzer Cannon in Germany, 1945.

From his first day of artillery school at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on 13 APR 1944 until his last day of combat in World War II, Uncle dix was with Battery B of the 215th Field Artillery Battalion which had three such batteries: A, B and C.You may read details here .

Dix somewhere in Germany.
Dix with 155mm Howitzer cannon

Dix at the Widener University in Pennsylvania where he graduated on 2 FEB 1949.

Dix somewhere.
Dix in tan suit

Dix and Helen cut their Wedding Cake. 29 MAR 1947

Dix and Helen cut their Wedding Cake.

Claude, Freer, Dix, Girtha, Martha and Helen in Freer’s Backyard. 1961

Freer and Parents 1961

This photo was taken after Uncle Lakin’s funeral in 1979. From left to right:

Lakin’s wife Aunt Clara, Dix, Martha, Freer, Christine and Helen, Dix’s wife.

Dix and Siblings at Lakins Funeral 1979

During the 1990s Dix restored this Porsche 914.

Granddaughter in the window.
Dis'x Porsche 914