Benjamin Rush Milam (9 AUG 1804 – 24 SEP 1865)

Benjamin Rush Milam was the eight and youngest son of Rush Milam, born on August 9, 1804 in Botetourt County, Virginia. At the age of 25, Benjamin Rush married Sarah Ann SISSONĀ (daughter of James SISSON and Mary “Polly” CARTMILL) on 5 AUG 1830 in Sissonville, Kanawha County, Virginia when she was 21 years old.

Benjamin Rush Milam
Benjamin Rush Milam

Below is a page from Benjamin Rush Milam’s family Bible. The top entree is his marriage: Benjamin Rush Milam to Mary Ann Sisson dated 5th of August 1830.

Benjamin Rush Milam’s Family Bible
Colonel Lefredge Bible

I requested a copy of Benjamin Rush Milam’s death certificate from the State of West Virginia. On the back of the original was written “Parents Rush & Elizabeth”. I asked them to note this on my copy (below). He died on 28 SEP 1865 at the age of 61.

Copy of Benjamin Rush Milam’s Death Certificate
Benjamin R Milam's Death Certificate

This is a photocopy of the note on the back of Benjamin R Milam’s Death Certificate.

Note on Benjamin Rush Milam’s Death Certificate
Note on Ben R Milam's death certificate