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Bedford County Chancery Court: Mary Milam versus Zachariah Milam
1797 – 009 CHANCERY CAUSES: Mary Milam vs Zachariah Milam.
“Milam vs Ye Said Milam: For Separate Maintainance.
A Writ: “The Commonwealth of Virginia to the sheriff of Bedford County. Greeting. We command you Summon Zachariah Milam to appear before the Justices of our County Court at the Courthouse of our County on the 4th Monday in August next to answer a Bill in Chancery exhibited against {him} by Mary Milam. This he shall in no wise omit under penalty of £100 .
The 23rd day of May 1797 in the XXV th year of our foundation.
Witness: James Steptoe, Clerk of our Courts”

On the back of the writ, the Sheriff wrote:
“To be Dismissed by order the Plaintiff. Plaintiff not further proceding { not prosecuting }.
D Saunders {Sheriff} August 1797″