26 JUN 1780 Ann (Jackson) Milam Granted Administration of John Milam’s Estate 26 JUN 1780

Microfilm Image of BEDFORD ORDER BOOK 6, page 287.

“On the motion of Ann Milam administration is Granted her on the Estate of her late Husband John Milam Deceased who made Oath thereto & gave Bond and Securities according to Law.”

“John Kennedy, Basil Wheat, Chesly Woodward & Francis Holly or any three of them being 1st sworn are Appointed to Appraise the said Deceased Estate.”

The next year in June 1781 John Kennedy would be wounded, captured and die with Benjamin Milam after the battle of Guilford Courthouse. Chesley Woodward was a soldier with Lt John Milam on the Boonesborough campaign.

Bedford Court John Milam Estate