24 NOV 1772 James Steptoe versus John Nance Warrant and Complaint 24 NOV 1772

Digital Image of BEDFORD COUNTY JUDGMENTS, BOX 43, 1778

“Steptoe vs Nance: Executed in the hands of John Milam, James Buford, Christopher Irvin and _____ Garnished.

Nov: 1772 Granishee Sworn & Continued. Nov 1773 Continues. 1774 May Continued. 1778 Abates.”

On the left side reading vertically: a Handsaw, an Iron Widge, a Rope Trace

{ Please see the Warrant Below too }

Steptoe versus Nance Warrant NOV 1772

“….Nathaniel Nance is justly indebted to him for Four Pounds Eighteen Shillings and that the said Nance hath privately removed himself out of this County or Absconds so the Ordinary Precept of Law Cannot be served upon him — theses therefor to Require you to Attach the Estate of the said Nance or so much thereof as will be of Value Sufficient to Satisfy the said Debt & Costs….”

James Steptoe Complaint against John Nance 1772